Chapter 11: By primus...

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(Cass's POV)
I snapped up seeing it was pitch dark and I grumble rubbing my eyes.

Wheeljack looked over and laughed.

"Your hair is all over the place, princess."he said and i look around flustered.

"What time is it?"I asked.

He chuckled,"Close to midnight. You looked like you had a night terror."he said and I look it out as that.

I fell quiet for a second.

"I guess so..."I stop and got up and walked into the woods for more firewood.

Oh gosh. That never happen.

Picking up sticks I could hear the sharping of metal from Wheeljack's swords.

When I came back I place them in the fire before I heard animals in the woods.

We sat quiet and I felt tired from being stuck outside until I heard a simple chuckle.

"You know. You spoke while you we're sleeping."he said. I froze.

I look up slowly,"What..what did I say?"I asked.

He smirk looking up,"You said I love you. You are talking about your mother.".

I felt my blood went cold and I closed my mouth...

"Sorry..."I mumble before feeling my face swell from tears about to come out.

"Don't say sorry, you didn't know...know."he must been looking at me because I already was loosing it. I got up and marched into the cave....

I stay there letting it come out and I refuse to whimper or whine. I have made it this far in my life. Why do cry? Why do I cry?

I heard steps and Wheelie came up from behind and crouch down.

"Now tell me why the up-and-coming queen is crying?"he asked.

I felt my hand twitch...

I sniffle before looking at my feet,"It was the last thing I said to her."I said and his smile went away. He crouch down gentle nudging me to look.

I look up a little and he sat down.

"I get it that your upset, but you shouldn't hold your emotions in. It really unhealth, I would hate to see my little angel get upset."he said before I look up blushing.

"Please stop calling me little angel. I'm no angel."I said and he raise a ridge at me.


"Yes you will.".

"No, I won't stop."

I grumble moving to sit down and face only the wall. He moved and sat at the wall. I turn away and he moved a every single time I moved.

"Can I be upset?"I said. He shook his helm no and lift me up.

"It about time you stop being upset and get the life you should have!"he said lifting me up and walking outside. He dump water onto the fire and walked inti the field.

"What are you doing! The others are looking for us."I said and he smirk.

"Well, they will have to keep looking."I had it about up to here with him even when he just walking around. As soon as we made it to more mountains. He put me next to his neck cable and started climbing.

"Woah. Wait. Wheeljack. What are you doing?"I said and he kept quiet focusing on climbing. I held onto his armor as he jump up and climb up all the ledges and stop to look back. When I made it to a opening of another cave he turn around and looked at where we where.

"So...that tunnel was a lava tube."he said and I look to see that the island was a crater of an old volcano,"You landed the ship on an old volcano. do we get out of here?".

He smiled looking at the forest.

"You think we can sneak up and scare them?"he jump siding down the ledges.

When he landed I wack him.

"Oh! Just wait till I tell Ratchet!"I grumble loudly and sat down.

"Or what?"he smirk.

I turn away.

"You will see..."I said harshly and he snicker walking down a certain oath he marked with his mind.

I could go for some hot coco or even so warm food...

I wrap my arms around my stomach.

I won't lie it does hurt from time to time.

When he stop I looked around and he looking at me. I look at him.

"Your in pain. I can tell."he said and I shook my head,"Oh no you don't. You aren't allow to lie to me. What is causing your pain, Cass?"he asked and I look down.

He needs to get back-,"Now.".

He order and I frown.

"I a bit hungry. That it. I'm fine over-"something was stuff into my face and i look to see it was an apple. He looked around and went off track.

I went to say something but he looked at me.

"You need to eat. After all that happen. You need to keep your health in check as well make sure your eat well.".


Wheeljack's little angelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin