chapter 30: the enemy of my enemy

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Phillip's POV

I was prepared as I ran through the darkness and went to the warehouses outside of town. Any human wouldnt of been tired of a long trek; but not me. The anger and revenge kept my energy going as I was going to end this. Without my friends, without makoto, just me.

An hour later I reach the warehouses. Even if gunfire started it would take a few minutes for the police to get here. By then I'll have solomon along with any of his lackeys dead and destroy the shadow bomb.

I blend in the shadows as I drew my guns and went inside. Sure enough the Intel my dad told me was correct as I saw armed men patrolling around trucks, barrels. I didnt see Solomon yet as snipers patrol the catwalks and eyed the courtyard.

Now where is the bomb?

Persona Q 2 new cinema labyrinth: nothing is promised.

Waiting for the right moment I crept inside and between the trucks, I hoisted my guns and drew my sword, try to take out a bunch of guards before stealth is out the window.

I heard footsteps coming around the trucks engine. As the guard past I snuck up and snab him right through the chest and push him off my deadly blade. His corpse laid on the concrete for a moment before he turned into smoke and disappeared, leaving his rifle behind.

Shadows here as many are in this world?

Deciding to pick up the rifle, it was an m16! The same ones at Vergara's mansion. The only American besides me involved in this chaos is...

My father has been supply the weapons!

How he did would be another story. Now I need to confront solomon. I crept behind old machinery as i watch the snipers looking from the catwalks as they patrol up on the 2nd floor.

A couple of more guards were coming in my direction as I crept around an old dumpster and waited before I made my move. I got behind and slash one guard's neck.

"Wh..?!" The other guard began but before he could shout I shoved him against the dumpster and slash his throat, both bodies disintegrated without their rifles.

"What was that noise?" Said one of the snipers.

"Check it out!" Said another. I heard several footsteps coming towards me. I had to think fast as I would be surrounded. I peek around and saw a stack of propane tanks.

God i hope theres something in them!

I withdrew my sword and pulled out my rifle. I swung out from my hiding spot...


Everything slowed down in my dead eye as I fired several shots at the tanks. Before the guards had a chance to fire...


I dove behind the dumpster once more as the sounds of explosions, yelling of guards moaning in pain as debris of metal and other crap scattered around the place.

I came out and saw a few guards still on the floor, trying to recover. Not having any sympathy, I stood over one by one and shot them in their heads. There were fires in several locations. This place will burn soon.

Better get going

A couple of snipers were coming out of some glass room on the second floor as they took aim. I shot one in the body, as his body vault over the rail and onto the ground with the sound of a splat!


The other sniper nearly got me as I dove behind some old pallets. I peek through to see where he was hiding. But the bastard was clever as he ever was moving into another position or he was blending into the flames.

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