Chapter 3: Tristan Allen

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"Let me see your schedules," I say while leading them to their lockers.

"Here," they say and place the schedules in my hands.

" looks like we all have Art together. Perfect!" I say, smiling brightly.

"Really?" asks Zack, looking over my shoulder.

I feel his warm breath on my neck and shiver. "Really," I confirm, blushing slightly.

"Awesome," Randy says enthusiastically, "I can't wait."

I chuckle, "Well, here's your lockers. 359 and 360. I'll be down at 290 if you need anything."

As I'm walking to my locker I hear a wolf whistle and someone call out my name.

I glare daggers at the floor and begin to walk faster.

I finally make it to me locker. I almost thought the person decided to leave me alone.

Well, that's what I get for thinking when I feel a pair of muscular arms wrap around my shoulders.

I turn my head slightly to see the one and only Tristan Allen, the basketball captain, giving me his "award-winning" smile. He has short blond hair and brown eyes.

I growl and shrug off his arms, "What do you want, Tristan?"

Now, let's pause this story for a second. You may be wondering, "What's wrong with you?! That's the Captain of the basketball team!" Well, for your information, the jocks here are complete idiots and can't take hints. He's the reason I lost one of my best friends to the Preps. Now, may the story continue.

"Now, now. No need for the rude tone, babe," he says, "I was just wondering if you wanted to go the movies with me this weekend?"

"I'll give it some thought and then get back to you," I say sarcastically.

"Really?" he asks hopefully.

"Nope," I say, popping the 'p'.

I open my locker and start gathering the stuff I need for my first few classes, shoving them in my bag.

"Come on. Please, baby?" he pleads.

"No. And I'm not your baby." I glare at him and close my locker.

"Why not?" he asks.

"Cause I have to work all weekend," I lie.

"Then how about tonight?" he asks.

"Can't. I have a project due tomorrow that I need to finish," I lie again. Can't this guy take a hint?

"Come on, pleas..." he starts to ask before getting cut off by Zack.

"Hey, Skylar," he gives Tristan a weird look, "Do you mind showing me to my first period?"

I smile at him gratefully, "I'd be more then happy to."

"Awesome," he says.

"Bye, Tristan!" I smile brightly before grabbing Zack's hand and pulling him away.


When we get far enough away, I turn my head slightly to see Tristan glaring at the back of Zack's head.

"Who is that?" Zack asks.

I sneer, "Tristan Allen. The Captain of the basketball team."

"I have a feeling you don't like him very much," he guesses.

"He's been asking me out almost everyday since last year. At first, I was a little flattered. But now, it's just really annoying," I say.

"Damn," he says. "Although, I'm not surprised. Any guy would be lucky to be with a girl as amazing as you," he says and squeezes my hand.

I blush when I realize I had forgotten to let his hand go. I pull my hand away and say, "Thanks."

"Anytime," he says with a wink.

I giggle, "Well, here's your class. I better go before I'm late for mine."

"Okay, I'll see you later?" he asks.

I smile, "I'll see you later."


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