
495 5 1

I hate this. It is old, cringey, and shitty asf please don't read it

A/N this involves you, Russia,America, and germany getting wAsTeD

Bad pick up lines
And that's about it, ENJOY!

Nobody's P.O.V

America and Russia thought it would be a good idea to have a roommate party and get completely wAsTeD. So they went to the licor (help me it's late and brain no work) store and basically got all different types of beer, vodka , and more shit like that.

So when they came home Y/N was giving them a look that read 'bitch what '. Then America yelled up the stairs, "GERMANY GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" Germany then came down a couple minutes later and saw the alcohol sitting out and almost turned around but America grabbed him and dragged him to the kitchen. Everybody just kind of stood there not sure who should drink first. Then Y/N said, "welp, bottoms up." and I kid you not drunk an entire bottle of vodka in a couple seconds and everybody else started too.


Y/N wobbled up to Germany and said "gErMaNy?" " wAt? " "dO yOu HaVe A mIrRoR iN yOur pAnTs?" . "BeCauSe I CaN sEe MySelF iN tHeM!" Russia then laughed and fell over Germany blushed and went away to sleep while America was singing drunk karaoke in the background .


"FUCK ME AND THIS HANGOVER!" to which Russia replied " gladly ~" "fuck off Russia you don't have a hangover which is just UNFAIR!"

A/N I hate this but I was inspired so I don't fuckin know what to do other than write it then post it

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