spaceship (Soviet citizen space shit ok?)

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Haha this is so lazy and gross

Yes the song does go with this the song actually inspired it soooooo if you don't listen to it with the song I will stab u in the throat Ok? Now story uwu

Day 1

I am finally in space. One of the first.


After years of training I'm finally here . I'd prefer to go alone.

I don't get to choose that.

I'm with my partner. I didn't bother to learn his name.

Not like it'll matter.

Day 7

After the first week of being up here, I'm starting to dislike it. It is not magical like I thought it would be.

Nobody truly cares about the astronauts. It's only about the mission. Focus on the mission.

Day 12

It's my turn to go out of the shuttle now. I finally get to go into the void I've dreamed about.

Really just general matinece on the ship. That's ok that's ok.

It's my job my duty I have to keep going . If I failed,   -* audio missing *-

Day 16

I'm sick of my partner. He will not talk to me. He says he is busy all the time .

Whether he's eating or not. Whether he's checking systems.

No communication.

Day 19

I'm going to go crazy if I don't have anyone to talk to.

Just focus on the mission. Just focus on the mission. 

I'm fine? I'm fine .

I'll be alright.

I'll get to go home.

See my mother.


And my siblings.

I've asked him if he has any family.

No response. The usual.

Day 23

When do I get to go home.  I don't remember how much longer I'm up here. He won't tell me.

It's a thirty day mission. I know that much.

It's fine it's ok I'll get to go home.

See my family.

Day 26

I won't last another day. Our rations are getting smaller.

when do I get to come back?

Please please please

No One will answer when I ask

Maybe their on break

Their on break

Day 29

One more day.


I hate it up here.

I want to go home.

I want to feel earth.

I have some enemies.

That's fine.

They can plot against me.

I'll just leave.

Day 30

"Um how are you doing today john?"

I call him John since he won't tell me his name.

He looks back at me.


He pulls out a gun


"At least it's over with I got rid of him. I don't feel bad."

I threw his body out of the ship.

He's gone my job is done.

*recording ends*

"Well look like we did it."


"He's gone now. The spaceship was lost at space. We never found either of them again."

The end :) sorry if this is shitty ;;;;((((((

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