Valentine's day special! (Germany)

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A/N it'll probably take wattpad three years to let me publish these

F/j stands for favorite jelly

Nobody's P.O.V

Germany has loved you from the very beginning.
And loved to spoil you.
So you can imagine what a Valentines day would be like.
Very sweet.
Taste bud and feeling wise.


You had just woken up to a gently shaking.
You wanted to just say 'five more minutes ' but instead you opened your eyes.
You woke to the sight of a brightly smiling Germany.
You smiled at how happy he looked.
You could always bring joy from his intense happiness.
And him.
You are happy together.
Germany was holding a tray in his hands.
He had made you breakfast in bed. How sweet.
He had brought you toast with f/j scrambled eggs sausage patties and orange juice. All of it was
delicious. Once you were done he brought you out to the living room.
There were flowers (your favorite kind) chocolates and heart shaped balloons.
You have him a bear hug.
Well, as best you could. You are shorter after all.
You feel very Loved.
You then say on the couch with him laid across his lap.
With your head on the arm rest.
You spent most of the day like this. Eating chocolates and
watching dramatic sitcoms.
Eventually you switched to horror movies.
You needed up clinging to
Germany for dear life. You did not like those movies.
Germany snuggled you until you fell asleep.


A/N ok so I used the same poetic writing style for this so what do you think? 👍?👎?  Also there's thicker words at some places so figure out the message UwU

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