▪■shrek and Germany don't get along▪■

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A/N i thought of this in the shower sooo very high quality content ;-;

Nobody's POV

Russia, Germany, and America were all going away for two weeks on the terms of their country's and got shit to do. So y/n being so very nice decided to play a prank on Germany.

Except, the prank involves shrek like all good ones do. It would work like this, all the wall hanging in the shared house would be replaced with framed shrek photos.

And of course America and Russia had to be in on it too. So they would just play  along with it but of course you needed to set it up.

With bribes of course.

Add that to the fact that you needed to print out a multitude of pictures of shrek and also needed frames for those shrexy photo's.

You then proceeded to text russia and America to get them in on it.

Heyyy oil man!
I have a question
                                                    Uh yeah?
Would you be willing to
Help prank Germany?
                                                           Y e s
           *texting ends because Imma lazy bitch*

Heyyy ruski! I have a

If I do something weird to
mess with Germany will
You play along?
                                       Yea sure whtevr
                     *texting ends*
Now that everyone was going to not completely ruin the plan you can finally start on your plan.

      *Time skip to when they leave*

"Bye!" You yelled while waving giving on final wave before closing the door.
Time to put the plan in motion.

The whole day was then spent to printing out shrek photos. The next dedicated to framing them. Finally  you were ready to hang them.

You took all the photos, shelves, and whatever else is on the wall off and replaced it with a photo of shrek.

*time skip when they commin bacc*

Russia walked in first with his suitcase not giving a shit per usual.
America was the next to enter stifling a giggle at which you sent him a glare.

He was not going to ruin this.

Germany was the last one to enter asking if the house had burned down.
But halfway through his sentence he stopped when an uh.

You just gave him a look. "What's wrong Germany?" You asked with your sweetest voice.

"Um was ist shrek doing on the walls?" He asked slowly.

"What do you mean? There are just the usual photos." You responded.

Russia then piped in, "you ok Germany? It was a stressful trip  maybe you should go lie down?"

Then Germany headed off to an early sleep. When you were 100% sure he was asleep you quickly said "help me take the shrek down and put the photos back up."

Which nobody argued with. After you were done you put the photos back up while russia and America unpacked.

                     *next morning*

Germany woke up after America started screaming about if it's legal to eat soup with a fork. He then got ready and made his way downstairs.

He stopped and almost choked at seeing the shrek photos gone. At which you and America started wheezing histaricaly at while russia just cracked an amused smile.

Germany then said "Ich fucking knew you guys were trying to freak me out >:("

The end

A/N  ok so 540+ words of this.. okay then hour and a half well spent also I wanted to make a ussr x third Reich KiNkY chapter on here? Maybe idk if you guys would like that

K bye

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