•°I swear I'm probably dying!°• (america x sick reader)

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I hate this. It's old, cringey,  and gross please don't read it

A/N ok so I'm pretty fucking bored so anybody wanna talk? Or some shite? Idk read on if you want to idc

Btw this is more of a brother,sister relationship instead of like a gImMe YoUr BoDy type relationship

F/p = favorite place

Light cursing

Nobody's P.O.V

You had just come home from a trip with your family. You had just  gotten off the plane and started driving home to your roommates hoping they didn't destroy the place while you were gone. You pulled up into the driveway of the shared house.

You pulled your suitcase out of the back of the car, with a little struggle considering it was so full. You shivered in the cold wind of the night. You then walked up to the door and started fumbling with your keys to the house.

You finally were able to get the door open and warmed up for a bit, took off your shoes and coat and went to greet your roommates after unpacking of course. After all you had a lot of laundry to do.

*TIME SKIP OF AN  HOUR* (lol that don't make sense)

You had finished unpacking and had started a load of unfinished laundry. You were of course very tired after the long trip and unpacking so you decided to take a shower get ready for bed and sleep. Unusually though you felt extra fatigued before bed but you thought it was just  from the trip home.

*After your asleep*

Germany's P.O.V

Y/N had been with her family on a trip for about a week now and she was supposed to arrive home today. I feel bad that we can't be there to say hallo when she eventually gets home today though, but there was country business and a couple of meetings planned for tonight that can't be missed.

I just hope she/he/they arrived home safe. They did just travel all the way too F/P though so they're probably asleep by now.

Amerika's P.O.V

I wonder if Y/N is home yet?!? She said she/he/they would be home today and they didn't get home while we were there. I wonder if something bad happened?!?? Did she/he/are got in a car accident!!??! Did they get held back at the airport!!? Was the flight cancelled!!?!? Are they stuck there?!??! Will they ever come home?!!?

Deep breaths I need to calm down, in through the nose out through the mouth everything is fine they will get home eventually..

Russia's P.O.V

I wonder if Y/N is home yet..  She/he/they said they would be home today from a family trip. They'll get home eventually but right now I have a boring ass meeting to pay attention too *mental sigh*


Nobody's P.O.V

"Y/N WE'RE HOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMME!!!" America scream sang while bursting through the front door and into the shared house. "You idiot!" Russia whisper yelled . "She could be sleeping!" He said with annoyance. Germany then came through the door.

"She's probably not even home yet." Germany said trailing last into the house. "Then why the fuck is her coat and shoes here?" America said. " Well maybe Ich didn't notice that amerika. " Germany replied with venom dropping from his voice.

They then hung (lol noose) up their coats and went their separate ways. Germany went to go complete work he had to get done. Russia went to get drunk and pass out, but America had gone to  Y/N 's room to check on them and make sure they were fine after the trip.

America's P.O.V

I had snuck up the stairs and went to Y/N's  room to check on her/he/them. I made my way down the hallway and slowly opened Y/N's door "Y/N?" . I just heard a grumble in response. "Are you okay?" . "NooOoOooOo." " Y/N are you sick..? Maybe? No? " I slowly said while coming over.

"IT'S SO HOT IN HERE!" She/ he/they suddenly said. I immediately knew they probably had a fever and some sort of sickness. "I'll be right back Y/N." " okayyyyyyyyyyy. " I then left the room to get a thermometer, cold rag, and some cold and flu medicine.


America's P.O.V

I came back to Y/N's room with all the sickness stuff. I opened the cracked open door with my hip since my hands were full. "Y/N are you still awake?" " my body hurts ame hellllllpppp meeeeeee. " she/he/they said. "I'll take that as a yes then." I said .

I set the things down on the bedside table and picked Y/N up off the floor and took her temperature. "Yep definitely a fever." I said to myself . I put the cold rag on her/his/their forehead and sat them up to take the pills. I then pulled the covers over her/him/them and shut off the lamp. "Goodnight Y/N." I said while closing the door . I just heard a mumble as a response.


Your POV

I woke up with a couple of turns and then a groan. Why is there a rag on my forehead? It took a couple of minutes of thinking  before I could remember that ame took care of me while I had I think... A fever last night? I can't remember exactly what he said.. I'll have to thank ame for putting up with me and taking care of me.

I slowly got up realizing how weak I feel and how tired I am.
It took a couple of minutes before I felt like I could stand up and not fall over from being dizzy. I stumbled my way out of my room down the hallway and stairs. I couldn't see anybody else up yet so I assumed I was the only one awake.

I started a pot of coffee (I'd you don't drink coffee it's tea or milk or water or something idk) and while waiting for it to brew I sat on the counter top scrolling on my phone looking at texts messages and c u r s e d  i m a g e s. I then heard the coffee (or something else) beep signalling that it was ready .

I poured myself a glass of it and started to slowly wip at it for awhile now realizing I got up at 4:30 am. If course nobody was up yet it's early af but Germany gets up at five am so at least I'll have somebody to talk too.



I was sitting on the couch when America came down the stairs just now awake. I went up to America and said "thanks for taking care of me last night when I was sick ame." I said while smiling. " Np y/n. " he said back. We hugged and left the room.

A/N omg this is over 1,150 words long 😯 I normally don't make things this long consider this a special treat because no way this is gonna happen all the time lol also what a trash ending to it lol

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