Chapter 4

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(Yuki's POV)

Day 3

At breakfast...

Yasuto and Taketo are fighting over food. I can't help but smile...

"Here, Yasuto. You could have some of my food." I offered.

"Really??" Yasuto's eyes glitter with joy.

"Yeah. I can't finish this all anyway."

"Yuki's smiling the whole time you two are arguing." Kanji pointed out.

"Enjoying the show, eh?" Taketo joked.

"Of course not. It's just nice to eat with many people."

All of them threw me questioning looks.

"I often eat alone because my brother is so busy with work." I explained.

"Too bad I overslept yesterday and missed all this. Would you like some of vegetables too?" I added before anyone could ask another question.

"Yes, please." Yasuto seemed very happy.

I gave some vegetables to Yasuto and met Homare's gaze.

He's not staring at me, is he?

I smiled at him but he looked away.

'I wonder what he is thinking...'

"Where's Nagisa?" I asked as I noticed that he wasn't around.

"Why are you looking for him?" Kanji grinned.

"Plainly because I haven't seen him since we reached Kyoto and too think he is in our group." I replied.

"He was busy with filming." Chiharu answered before Kanji could tease me.

"Oh..." I murmured as I feel sorry for him. Like me, he also wanted to be a normal high school student but it seems like he wasn't given a chance to be. Unlike me...

Later that morning, we decided to ride a bike at Fuahimi-Inari.


There goes Taketo, Kanji, Yasuto and Nakamura racing.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Chiharu cried as she pedals trying to catch up.

"They sure are full of energy." I smiled as my eyes on their backs I found my sleep giggling when Kanji almost fell.

"Are you not going to ride a bike?" Homare asked as I climbed onto his bike.



"I don't know how to ride a bike." I answered.

"Ha ha ha! You really are from another planet!" Laughed Homare.

"Yeah yeah. Laugh all you want."

"Hop on."


"You better hurry. I might change my mind, you know..."

"Thanks!" I smiled and sat on the seat behind Homare.

"I won't stop for you if you fall, okay?" Homare started to pedal.

I hold on Homare's jacket as he started to pick speed. Soft breeze blew on my face. It feels cold and refreshing. Though the wind is cold, I don't feel cold maybe because of Homare's body heat. He feels so warm I might melt. So close like this I could also smell Homare, I can't explained it but he's subtle scent relaxes me... Taking my worries away...

"You two look like a couple." Nakamura commented as she pedals pass us.

"Nice one Homare." Kanji added as he tails behind Nakamura.

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