Chapter 13

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(Yuki's POV)

I soaked in the tub for about an hour. The warm bubble bath relaxed my tensed muscles but did nothing on my tensed brain as thoughts keep on flooding in.

'You don't have to change because I won't let them hurt you. I'll protect you so stay the way you are.'

What Homare said that night kept on playing and playing on my head I'm about to go crazy.

I let out a frustrated sigh.


Yes, that what I feels right now.

I am happy at the same time I also feel fear. During our school trip, Homare was kind and caring towards me. But after our trip he changed. He became suddenly became distant and cold.

What if he change again?

"What am I to you really?" I softly asked myself.

People cares for the ones that matters to them, right? For their ones that they love...

Does he... Also...

I shook my head vigorously.

"Don't assume Yuki." I told myself. "Don't be silly."

Get real. Homare looks out for his friends and classmates. Just like Nagisa said.

He's just looking out for me.

My heart ache at the thought.

"Well... At least I do know he cares for me. Stop obsessing about it already." I told myself.

Later that day...

I smiled as I saw Yui pout when she was informed by one of their help that her piano teacher has just arrived.

"Don't worry. After you finished your lesson the cupcakes were already cool enough for us to decorate it. I'll wait for you." I smiled.

"Okay then..." Yui smiled back and left.

I placed the uncooked cupcakes in the already hot oven and sat by myself on a bar stool for about fifteen minutes.

"Hey." Homare said as he walked to the fridge to get some water.

"Hey..." I replied.

I sounded so stiff.

Homare stares at me after he drank his glass empty.

'Of course he noticed. He's a keen observer remember??' I hissed on myself mentally.

He was still staring. I wonder what the hell is he thinking.

Homare walked towards me smiling.

"W-What??" I asked.

"You got some flour on you nose." He answered and wiped my nose with his hand at the same time.

I brushed and wiped my nose with my hand in case there was some flour left.

"Stop looking at me as if I'm a circus monkey."

"That would be an understatement." Homare said without taking his eyes off me.

He kept staring until his gaze switched to the oven.

"It's burning." He informed me.

I looked at the oven and smoke started to came out.

"Huh? What?!" I hurriedly went to the oven.

"Wait, Yuki!" I heard Homare called as I open the oven and took the tray out with the nearest pot holder.

Turns out that it is not thick enough to protect my hand from the heat.

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