Chapter 10

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(Yuki's POV)

I was woken up by someone knocking at my door. Well... Scratch knocking and make that banging.

I glimpsed at the clock while still half asleep. It's 5:30 in the morning.

There better be fire or the ship must have been sinking for someone to bang my door or else I'm definitely going to kill someone.

I wore my robe and head to the door.

As soon as I opened the door someone grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room.

"MItsuki!" I growled.

"Good morning." Mitsuki's cheerful voice greeted me as we run to the decks.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I tried to break free from his grasp but his grip only tightens.

"Let go of me!" I ordered.

Mitsuki ignored me and continued to drag me.

When we reached the decks, the sun was already starting to rise.

"Look." Mitsuki gestured at the sky.

I froze. Lost in the beautiful scene in front of me.

The sun starts to paint the dark sky. Blue, violet, red and orange bursts amazingly like being painted by a great artist.

"Good thing we did not miss it." Mitsuki sighed while leaning against the railings.

"You are unbelievable." I commented.

"Thanks." Mitsuki replied.

"I did not mean it as a compliment." I told him. "Though thanks to this beautiful sunrise, I won't kick your ass. But don't you dare wake me up again. I'll surely kill you if you do that again."

Mitsuki laughed.

"You really are interesting." He said while catching his breath.

I smirked and embraced myself as I shivered when a cold breeze blew.

Not a second past, I felt something warm on my back and shoulders.

Mitsuki removed his coat and placed it over my shoulders.

"I don't--" I began to object.

"Just shut up and enjoy the scenery. It's not something that you get to see every day, you know." Mitsuki smiled.

'Yeah, I know.' I thought.

We stood side by side a few inches apart, watching the sun rise.

(Homare's POV)

"I thought you're going to invite Yuki over?" I asked Yui as she sat next to me on the sofa.

"She went on a trip." Yui answered.

"Is that so?" I mumbled as I turned to look at the fire place and watch the flames flicker.

"If she met some guy on that trip and fell in love with him that's your entire fault." Yui pouted.

"That was nothing to do with me." I announced. "And if that's the case, it'll be a good thing for both of us."

"Are you sure about that? Don't you like her?"

"I..." My voice trailed off as I was asking myself that ever since Kanji asked me the same question on the last night of our school trip.

I cleared my throat.

"I don't like her."

"Whaa? What is not to like about her?" Yui asked.

"She's reckless and careless." I said firmly.

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