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"I got your water for you," I say, putting his water bottle he left downstairs on his nightstand, "Thanks Roxy." He says huskily. He grabs the water and chugs it as I lay on his bed next to him, my finger moving around the scar like I've never seen it before.

Leo grabs my hand, and my heart stops, thinking I did something wrong as my hand burns and sends shivers all throughout me. Of course it doesn't actually, but it feels like it with my brain overthinking that he is holding my hand.

Then slowly he presses our hands down together on top of his scar.

"You know sunflowers can suck up radiation? Like if there was some radioactive bomb and some how people could plant a sunflower, that sunflower would suck up the radiation in the surrounding ground. Then, you could plant berries, fruit, vegetables, fresh things without them being full of radiation poison." I say, softly as he puts his arm around my neck his eyes staring at me.

"You say weird facts when you get nervous," He starts, still staring at me and I shake my head.

He chuckles, "Don't lie. Everybody in the school has seen you at least one time with your big reading glasses and a book about flowers."

"You bought me those glasses!" I say and he chuckles, poking my nose and smiling, "I didn't say you weren't cute in them." He says and I blush, turning my head away as he stiffens, moving farther away from me before I cough and get up,

"I haven't been able to sleep but you boring me is really helping." I say, fake yawning and he laughs as he quickly jumps on top of me. His body positions itself between my legs as I squeal, laughing.

But like I said, my laughter dies down and my smirk turns into nothing as I look at him. We both now it's different, not on the outside but on the inside.

He leans in closer and closer, and I know he's teasing me but it hurts. If he really looked at me he would know that I try to show him every time that he hurt me.

But he stops and smiles at me, kissing my forehead before speaking, "Goodnight, asshole." He says and I laugh, "Goodnight, Jace." I say, making fun of him and he just shakes his head, collapsing at my side as I stand up, pulling my pants around so they fit right.

"Don't miss me too much, Roxy." He says as I leave, showing peace signs as I am barely visible from the slim amount of door I left open.

And I make it to my room that's in between Rose's and Leo's.

I slowly lay down in the plush sheets and snuggle into them, smelling the delicious expensive laundry soap they get. Imagining what it's like to be like Leo, having the most amazing girl in the world, the most amazing house in the world, the most amazing family.

Because god I wish I had that.

What if he takes that for granted?


I woke up to Jemma coming in, me snuggling the ball of blanket I've made as I slowly turn on my back.

Her and Rose at the foot of my bed, but when Rose sees my open eyes she pounces in for the kill, jumping on top of me and staying like that.

"So little miss Roxanne," Jemma starts, rubbing my ankle as she sits down, "we are going to take a plane to the beach house in about," She stops and checks her watch, "26 hours, so you should start packing. We will be leaving in 20 hours as the commute is like 2 hours, then you can sleep throughout the day and on the plane." She says, smiling at me with sorry.

"I'm sorry hunny, but chop chop!" She says, suddenly bouncing up and out the door, Rose jumps up and down, shaking me over and over as I groan.

"Okay! Okay! Stop jumping!" I say, lifting my arms and arguing my back as I stretch, laying down and opening my eyes afterwards with a sigh.

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