Bored pt.1

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Virgil sat on the couch,Patton was in the kitchen with Logan and Roman was sitting next to him."hey,Virgil."he mumbled awkwardly"hey,Roman."he grumbled back with a flick of his tail"um..want to go do something?"Virgil sat up and looked up at Roman"hardly."Virgil scoffed before looking away"how about we look around?"Virgil stood up"I've done plenty of looking around like this,thank you vary much."then Roman stood up and opened the door" c'mon,it will be fun!"Virgil growled but the next thing he knew he was walking in the street with Roman.Virgil glanced up at Roman"where are you taking me?"he grumbled before glaring at a passing dog and it's owner"there's a park not too far from here,you wanna go?"Roman asked"I'm not a dog,princey."Virgil hissed"alright,no park."Roman mumbled before continuing to walk.
A/N I'll make a part two later,I just have 1.00000000000000000000% inspiration right now😞

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