Well... it was for the greater good...

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Author's note:
Well, I thought updates would be few... turns out here is one anyways. So that's cool. There is some vague mentioning of gayness in this chapter so if that bothers you just quickly skim over it. Also, there is some death and violence (doesn't that just sound great together in one chapter??) so if that bothers you, again, maybe try something else...

Disclaimer: me is not JK Rowling. Me no own Potter Books. Me sad.


For days, weeks even, there was not a lot going on in Harry's life. He had decidedly to enroll himself -with the body of Elias but the legal papers of Harry (mostly)- into a couple of online university courses. They were great, really. As they were meant for travelers, there was zero requirement to go to classes and the only place you did really have to show up to was the end-of-the-year exams. And you could do those at a time that suited you. All in all, Harry was very exited.

He also had a talk with Dumbledore about his place in the war and such. It went basically the same as all the other ones he had had previously, except with a lot of disappointed twinkly eyes and Elias correcting Dumbledore on the 'my boy'. He was after all, hardly a "boy" and most definitely not Dumbledore's. It was at Hogwarts though, and Harry had secretly been very happy to see the place he considered "home" not in ruins. Not that Elias let any of that shine through of course.

Furthermore, he had finally gone and picked up Matt's portrait from Egypt. It had been an extensive expedition- completely with a hologram to take his place at the orphanage and an entire day of laying down wards and curses around the temple. He couldn't imagine the damage that could have been done if someone were to go back yet again. All his hard work- for nothing!

Eventually, he spent most of his days in a small library in which he worked on his bachelors, PhD's and other such things. There were few days that he was actually out and about, going around doing his part in the various contracts he agreed to.

There were a surprising amount of people wanted dead, he noticed. Not that he was complaining- his pockets were lined nicely there days, but he did wonder why the hell they didn't do their dirty work themselves. Probably didn't want to dirty their perfectly manicured hands.

It was one of those days, whilst Harry was going through his mail, that he came across an interesting letter. He immediately recognized the slanted handwriting belonging to a certain Tom Riddle. Curiously, he opened the letter, automatically checking for curses first.

Mister Riddle,
I have been told and have seen that despite my original thoughts, you do have some competence. I therefore ask you to discuss with me a potential contract concerning a certain mister Righs. A blackmailer,-

Harry sniffed. There was nothing wrong with a little blackmail.

-a mugger and a all in all little pest. He has no family left and little- if any- worth to society. I am willing to go to 1400 galleons for his ultimate demise. He's slippery as an eel and a defector on top of that. We lost quite a bit to his childish revenge.

Lord Voldemort

Harry frowned. What an interesting development. He didn't think Voldemort would ask him anything just yet. It was a safe job though. Just a little street rat, not any major player anywhere. He sent a quick note agreeing to the offer but raising the money to 1700 galleons.

He went back to his bachelors in Chemistry. Things had to be done after all. Only minutes later though, he heard a voice.

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