Advise Modern AU

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It Levi x Reader. I hope you like it.


It was one cold November evening. It was two days before Thanksgiving. You were alone for Thanksgiving because your parent(s) have moved to Wyoming, while you're in Minnesota. Also you couldn't afford any plane tickets or drive all the over there. You couldn't call your friends because they all left the state. Jean and Marco offered you to come with them but you kindly denied it.

'Why didn't I go with Marco and Jean to celebrate Thanksgiving.'

Your phone rang. At first you ignored it because you trying to figure out if you should go to your sister or stay here.

"______, where are you? I have been wait in the fucking snow!!! You better have a good reason why you're late."

'Damn it! How could I forgot! ' You remembered that Levi needed to meet with you. You didn't want to ask why but you agreed to met him. You quickly put (color) sweatshirt and (color) sweatpant. You didn't care if you look lazy. All you care about if you were warm and comfortable. You didn't even bother to do your hair. After you were getting ready to leave, there was a knock on the door. You slowly open the door, hoping that it wasn't Levi.

"What the hell," said Levi.

"Ohhhh, hey, Levi," you quietly answered. You avoided his cold eyes.

Levi entered into your house, took off his shoes & coat and sat on your couch. You became worried. Your house was a mess. Unfolded blankets, socks all over the place, unwashed plates, and crumbs all over your house. You knew what a clean freak Levi was. You tried your best to keep everything clean. You did it for him.

"Sorry for the mess. Also I'm sorry for not meeting you at the park, " you apologized while still avoiding eye contact.

Levi didn't answer. There was a long awkward silence. You break the silence.

"What did you want to talk about? I mean, why did you want to meet me?" You asked while cleaning up the blankets.

"I need your advice," answered Levi.

"Really? You're asking me for advice? Why? Why not Hanji? "

You were also the one asking advice from your friends. But mostly from Levi because you respect his suggestions and you always thought it was interesting to listen to your crush and spend some time with him.

"I don't want to ask shitty glasses. She would've bothered me. Also, I want advice from the person I always give advice, idiot,"

"Gee, thanks for boosting my self esteem. So anyway, what you need help on? Also, I notice that you didn't complain about the mess,"

You finished clean the mess but its still a "mess" according to Levi's standard.

"It so messy that it not worth to complain about it. I help on ask this girl how I feel," Levi bluntly said. You were heart broken, knowing that a girl stole your crush. But you smile. The least thing you can do is to be happy for Levi.

"Sure, first tell me, what kind of girl she is. There different types of girls and has different standards," you told Levi after you joined he on the couch.

"What do you mean?" Asked Levi.

"I mean, uhm, well I'm the kind of girl that like... Like something chessy I guess. Like 'I really like you but not only physical attracted to you but your personality is way to damn attractive that I can't believe that you don't you have a boyfriend.' Or something like that," You shyly answered.

" She's sweet, caring, can be annoying but she makes my day better, helpful even if she hasn't had been in the situation, funny, fun, she can be friends with anyone. Every time I see her, I get a weird feeling my stomach. She's alway in my mind from the minute I wake to the minute I go to sleep,"

"She sounds like the opposite of you!!" You joked and laughed but you were stopped by Levi's glare. You quickly regained your cool.

"Personally, I think that she will like something memorable or sweet. Or simple. What's her name? Do I know her? When did you meet? Where? How does she loo-" You questioned. But were interrupted.

"Shut up, brat. Answer my question. How would I ask here out?"

"Chill, bro. I need some time to think. Do you mind if I watch some TV? To gather 'information'," you asked even though, its your house. But you still asked anyway.

"Fine, " Levi replied. You decided to put some soap opera. You found one. You started to pretend the characters were you and Levi. Blush slowly took over your cheek when the confession scene. You look over at Levi. You were surprised that he was actually paying attention. You looked at him for a long time. You caught and looked away.

" ______," whispered Levi. You turned your head. You felt your pair of lips on your lips. You blushed as red as a tomato. You tried to pull back but you melted in the kiss. After a minute or two, you pulled away remembering you need oxygen.

"Why did you kiss me?" You wondered.

"You idiot, you still haven't figured it out. The girl that I'm in love with is you. I really like you but not only physical attracted to you but your personality is way to damn attractive that I can't believe that you don't you have a boyfriend."

You blush and tried to looked away but Levi's hands cupped your cheek. You stared at his beautiful gray blue eyes. Your (skin color) turned bright red.

"Thanks Levi," you whispered

"No, thank you ." he said while looking at your ( eye color).

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