I'm Better

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Thanks for reading my story. I hope it's okay. Anyway, if you have a request, please ask.

Thanks again.

Jean x reader


Eren's dad found you inside a house, you were bleeding to death. He saved you and told you that you can live with his family.When you met Eren and Mikasa, they seem nice but scary. You told the family about your parents abusing you and how they abandoned you. Mrs. Jaeger was crying over the story. Mikasa gave sad look. Eren got mad . Mr. Jaeger  felt sad but didn't show it.

When Eren, Mikasa, and Armin joined the the scout, you joined as well. You didn't want to feel abandoned or lonely. You rather die with your love ones than being safe with strangers. Eren begged you to not join but being stubborn as Eren, you still joined. You promised them that you will stay alive and do your best.

They help you out with training, and encourage you to do you best. Even though you love them, you feel that you can't be able to grow or learn if you don't discover thing on your own.One evening after  Eren was yelling to a stranger,Jean, you notice that the stranger was blushing when he saw Mikasa. 'How cute my sister has a secrect admirer!'  You decided to tell MIkasa about it.

You left the dining hall, but Jean was blushing even more when he saw you. Marco just noticed that Jean was blushing at you.

3rd POV

"Jean, are you blushing?" said Marco who was a bit jealous because you are the most beautiful girl.

"No, it just my cheeks is heating up because I was yelling at Jaeger." Jean protested. He didn't want Marco to figure out the real reason.

"No, I saw how you looked at (Y/n) and Mikasa."

"Fine, I kinda like them but why is (Y/n) and Mikasa following Jaeger?"

"I don't know, but we'll figure it out."

Marco and Jean went to the cabin to talk to Eren. Well, Marco was not Jean. 

Your POV

"Eren, you should yell at strangers." you told Eren.

"Shut up, it was his fault. If he kept his mouth shut about life in the inner walls, we won't be here."

"Well, I not taking side but you made a big deal out his thinking. "

"WHY ARE YOU DEFEATING THAT BASTARD!!!!" Eren grabbed your shirt and pulled you up. You didn't show any sign of fear. You kept a straight face.

"Eren, didn't you hear she is not picking side. You and Jean were wrong.  End of the story." Mikasa grabbed you and pushed away Eren. Armin came up to you and asked if you were okay. 

"(Y/n), come on, let's leave Mikasa to Eren." suggested Armin. You agreed and went back to the dining hall. You decided to sit next to Mina Caroline. ( She one of my favorite character ^^) You and Mina became friends very quickly. Both of you had the same interested. You didn't know why but MIna feels like a sister to you. Mina felt th e same way. 

"Hello, (Y/n). Hello, Armin. Where's the other?" smile Mina.

"Eren needs to cool off while Mikasa is there to see if he's okay." I answeres, smiled back, and sat down. Armin ask next to you. 

"You sure? They could be doing other thing..." Mina nudge me. I didn't know what she meant by that. You looking over Armin, who was blushing at the comment. 

"What does that mean?" I asked Armin. Armin leaned over to whisper thing in you ear. I blushed. ' Mina!!! Why would you think that!!?? I mean, I can happen. They're not blood related. Awww, they will be cute together. But Armin has a dirty mind but not as dirty as Mina. 

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