Coffe table and letters

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"I'm sorry GD...."

Emily said over and over again.

I sat next to her.

"Emily. Don't blame yourself. I came up with the plan... It was my fault..."

Emily sniffed but still looked at me with a smile.

"It was our fault..."

I nodded.

We both went back to sobbing.

Not me, I went downstairs to buy dinner.

Emily said she was fine by herself.

So I trusted her.

I left with some money.

"Hm...... What to buy...."

I looked around with confusion.

That voice sounded familiar.

I dared to turn to my left to see the voice belonged to.

And saw no other than...


"ARGH!" He screamed.

"Omo. I'm sorry. I was just so excited to meet you. I mean.... You're from TVXQ!"

He grinned, but then grimaced.

"Are you okay?" I say with caution.

He tried to smile.

"Yeah. Just an injury from a dance practice, don't worry."

I looked at his ankle.

It was bandaged.

I looked at his shocked face.

Then he left.

Leaving me in complete shock as well.

"Emily? I bought you food!"



I walk into our hotel room.

No sign of life.

(Does that sound like I'm on Jupiter? 'No sign of life!' Hahaha)

I searched everywhere.

And finally found a note on the coffee table.

Here's what it said.


'To my dearest friend,
I'm so sorry to have left you in such a short notice, but I found out where GD is. He flew to China, and didn't make an appearance until today. The paparazzi went crazy and the fans went hyper. I have booked a flight to China and it is leaving at 8:30 pm. I am so sorry to have left you. I thank you for taking care of me so far, but I believe that this issue needs to taken care of alone. And that means by myself. I know that you must be worried sick and you only found this letter after you searched the entire room, but know that I am safe, and I will come back with GD, no matter what happens. Take care.

I checked my watch.

Holy crap it's 7:55 pm!

How will I say good bye?

Then I realized something I should of known from the start.

The reason she left so early was because she knew this would make me fall apart.

She thought ahead and planned carefully upstairs while I was busy with Changmin.

She knew that I would try to go after her if she left when I came up.

I wiped away a tear.

I needed to tell T.O.P

I dialled his number.

He answered on the 2 ring.


"Hey T.O.P it's me. I really need your help."

"Okay. I'm busy in China right now. Can you tell me over the phone?"


I moaned into the phone.

T.O.P must if thought I was crazy.

"Um.... What?"

I calmly explained the situation to him where GD was also in China.

"I'm on it. Don't worry about a thing Carley."

And then he hung up.

I smiled.

I knew he would do whatever I say.


He's not a dog.

I quickly booked a flight to China and packed my bags.

Walking onto the airplane felt a bit...


I never knew how much I missed her.

Her laugh, how much she entertained me, and how she always made me smile.

And here I was, by myself.

I must of looked like a fool.

Arriving in China was like a nightmare.

I couldn't even get off the plane.

So many people were waiting.


Because BAP was on the same plane as me.

And I didn't even realise.

I guess Emily knew about them and booked a plane one flight early.

I finally got out of the airport.

Asking for a taxi, I reserved a nearby hotel.

As night fell, I grew weary.

And called Emily.

She picked up, and told me everything.

She had also arrived in China, and was now trying to discover where GD was living.

I gave her my encouragement, but didn't tell her something.

That I already knew where GD was staying.

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