Now? Is it confession time yet?

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He wasn't going to confess was he?

Not now, please not now.

During the time when I met GD back in China...

"Carley. I have to tell you something. It's about.... Emily."

I gave him my serious face.

"I... like Emily."

He stared back at me.

"Um... So go tell her!"

He shook his head.

"She doesn't feel the same way I'm sure... She ignores me all the time."

"Oh no GD. Us ignoring you was just part of a pla- ......"

"Part of what? Tell me please. TELL ME!"

"It was just part of a plan we had because you... Hurt Emily."

His eyes widened.


I felt a little uneasy.

"Well... It seemed like you were in a serious relationship and we both thought you were taking a step further because you leaned towards her and....."

"I tied my shoelaces instead. URGH! I'M SUCH AN IDIOT, PABO PABO PABO!"

(Lol. PABO is just idiot in Korean)

I patted his back.

"Don't worry. Just tell her when you feel ready."

He nodded, then had to leave.

Noooooooow going back like 5 minutes ago where we were talking about the CURRENT situation.

"GD I don't think this is the right time. She's tired but mostly stressed."

He looked hurt.

"GD.... please, tell her tomorrow."

GD ground his teeth.

( I don't mean he put his teeth against the ground. It means the past tense of grind. Like he was grinding his teeth but in the past tense. Wait... Am I even writing in past tense? Meh)

"Dude. GD calm down."

He just closed his eyes.

I gulped.

Really loudly.

Ryeowook snickered.

I glared back at him.

He just continued to grin.

I rolled my eyes.

"Carley, it's 10:45 pm. Do you want to go to sleep?"

Yesung asked.

I nodded, rubbing my eyes.

He lead me upstairs to my bedroom.

I fell asleep immediately when my head hit the pillow.

Downstairs, there was a very... Vicious argument.

Super Junior was arguing if keeping Emily and I here were safe.

Big Bang thought that nothing would happen, and even if something did, they would keep us safe.

Really, I don't know who I like more now.

They're all falling over us.

Hell yeah.

We haven't had surgery and WE HAVE ATTRACTED SO MANY SEXY PEOPLE!

I wonder why.

Because of our personality?

Because of our looks?

No, of course not.

Maybe because.....

It was all a joke?

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