'Sweet dreams' Emily

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I didn't tell Emily my secret.

I don't know why.

She is my best friend.

Why can't I tell her?

Because I was afraid.

I was scared of what she would say if she knew where I was.

I was frightened of her reaction when she knows where GD is staying.

I ended the call, giving her all my encouragement.

I sighed, but dialled T.O.P

He answered immediately.


"T.O.P! Thanks for finding out where he was staying. I really appreciate it."

"No worries.you always come first."

I blushed, knowing he couldn't see.

"Anyways, I need you to tell GD to meet me."

He paused for a while.

"I'll try my best."

"Thanks so much T.O.P"

I pressed the 'end' button and sighed.

Falling into the bed at the same time.

At the same time....

GD was outside a hotel.

Gazing at a particular window.

No one was crowding around him.

Because it was 1 am.

I mean, who roams around the streets at around midnight?

Not me definitely.....

What bout you?

(Don't answer it. I can't hear your answers.)

He was staring at the window,

Watching a young girl standing on the balcony.

The girl didn't look down.

She looked at the moon.

And whispered something.

GD couldn't make out what she said, but he smiled neither less.

He left.

Leaving Emily to stare at the round moon.

The next day.....

I was in the middle of a call with Emily when another call came through.

"Sorry Emily. Gotta go right now. Talk to you later."

And hung up without waiting for a reply.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey Carley. It's GD...."

I gasped.

"GD? Oh my god Emily and I am soooo sorry for treating you like that before. We know we did wrong so please forgive us. We didn't know what we were doin-"

"It's okay. Just... Look to your right."

I turned right, only to see him grinning.

"GD!" I screamed.

And ran to him.

He laughed and hugged me.

But then pulled away.

"Where's Emily?" I ask him.

"In the hotel called 'Sweet dreams."

(Omg another kpop reference. You probably won't get this one but 'sweet dreams' is a song by MFBTY)

I nodded.

He left then, saying he was late for a meeting.

I waved bye and went to get Emily,

Emily screamed but hugged me when I knocked on her hotel door.

We screamed a bit more.

Until we were told to shut up.


Anyways, Emily said that she was exhausted.

So we headed back home in Korea.

Where we got greeted by...


(Hell yeah! Super Junior time! Good bye Big Bang! Jk. Super Junior will now become the main thing but Big Bang will stay in the story don't worry the real Emily who might be reading this.)

Yesung was the first to say something.

"Welcome back girls."



How dare he?


Joking. No offence.

He said "Welcome back girls."

Emily grinned and nudged me forward towards him.

I tripped over my own feet...

Landing in Yesung's arm in the process.

Looking up, his eyes bored into mine.

I quickly looked away.


He said.

Oooooooh, that cutie.

Now I'm getting somewhere.


What about T.O.P?


Yesung said.

"Yeah? Oh sorry, I was....... Daydreaming."

Uh, so weak.

He smiled.

I was melting once again.

Like when T.O.P looked at me.

What is wrong with me?

I'm supposed to only like one person.

God I'm such a player.

Emily yawned...


(That is not how people yawn. They don't say yawn. At least, I don't think so......)

"I'm going to bed.... To hit the sack....."

She left to walks upstairs, giving me a look that clearly said 'have fun.....'

I glared back at her.

She shrugged and yawned once more.

The knock suddenly came from the door.

All heads swivelled towards the door.

Eunhyuk stepped towards the door and opened it.

There stood GD looking very sheepish.

"Um... Is Emily here?"

"Yeah, she's upstairs." I replied.

He nodded, and said....

"I need to tell her something I have meant to tell her from the beginning."

I gasped.

He wasn't talking about a........


Authors note:
Hey guys! This time it really is the author. The turnip has left but will return on Monday. The story has been a great experience so far and except for the pushy remarks from the real Emily, it's been so much fun. Hope you all liked the story so far and I'll keep updating when I can! Thanks again everyone!

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