New idols? YES!

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"You're the best!"

I smile.

"I know."

But then I start squealing as Emily starts to chase me around the house.

"Okay okay! I surrender!" I scream.

Jessica suddenly comes downstairs due to the racket that I was making.

I stared back at her while Emily ran out of the house.

Jessica was standing at the stairs and holding a briefcase.

Well, she decided to go.

Seems legit.

I say one last good bye and just watch her disappear.

To be fair I was starting to like that kid.

Emily didn't come back.

Wonder why.

Emily comes back looking a bit smug.


She's gonna have to be a popular idol like Big Bang.

Well, Big Bang without the cool, deep voice of T.O.P

She was offered to become an idol and of course agreed.

Now she wants me to be in the group with her.

I shrugged and said "why not?"

So now she is hugging me to death.

"Emily... Can't breathe!"

She suddenly flings her arms back. (Flings. Lol)

And mouths "oops."

I roll my eyes and start to hug her as well.

Then we start squealing.

The only problem was...

I had to an idol under YG Entertainment.

Not SM Entertainment.

Bet Yesung is gonna cry.





The manager agrees to meet us in PERSON on Friday.

Oh god I'm not going to be able to sleep now.

Neither can Emily.

GD is delighted.

And proposes again in the living room.

Well, if Yesung plans to love me forever, he better propose soon.


Emily doesn't seem excited though, and just nods for the answer.

Yesung was talking on his phone.

I could just hear the words "ring........ Yes..... The flowers! Of course!...... Yes........ Marriage...."

Was he talking about Emily and GD's wedding?


I head upstairs.

Only to see a very... Angry Chen.

He was pounding the walls.


He looked at me when I opened the door.

And then suddenly runs past me.

I look at him from the back.

I don't...


On Monday...

Yesung randomly decides to blindfold me.

I try to whine my way away from what he was doing but he refused.

A strong wave of fragrance hit me.

I sniffed curiously.

"What have you done?"

I say,

He just kisses me on the cheeks and says "keep walking."

Finally, we reached the middle of the room (I think)

He lifts the blindfold off my head.

I gasped in awe as I realised that the room was decorated in flowers and balloons.

I looked at him and he was smiling.

He got down on one knee.

I shook my head while tears started to fill my eyes.

"Carley. I have loved you from the moment I saw you. I promise to only look at you and no one else. First I called you Carley, and now I want to call you my wife. Will you marry me?"

I nodded with the tears falling down my face.

He kissed me and said "that's my girl."

I love you. Me tooWhere stories live. Discover now