New pair?

30 4 1

"Jayde, quit it! I'm not calling him."

Iris was trying to wrestle her phone back.

Jayde just laughed.

Ella joined forces with Iris and jumped into Jayde's back.

Iris then grabbed her phone and ran off.

Ella run out of the room as well.

While I was standing at the doorway watching this... Catastrophe.

I sighed.

Yesung came into the room.

I pushed him back in case he saw the disaster.

Too bad, he already saw it.

He saw Jayde running with Ella on her back.

With the toppled table and the crashed vase of flowers.

He looked at me, I didn't look back.

He lifted my head.

I looked everywhere except for him.

Emily ran into the room.

What is with her and screaming my name?


I squirmed away from Yesung and ran to hide behind her.

Emily looked at me like 'Da fuq?'

Then she was like "oh you did not Yesung! U did not hurt my damn friend."

Yesung didn't reply.

Ella came into the room right at that moment.

Good timing.

Emily signalled Ella to come over.

Ella hit Yesung's head.


Upstairs were Jayde and Iris.

Iris was calling Dan and waiting for him to pick up.

He picked up after 3 rings.

Jayde started to squeal.

Iris was putting her phone to her ear.



Iris excused herself for a minute and pressed the button.

"Okay. Sorry Dan but I'm back now."

"Hey Iris."

Jayde squealed and muffled her laughter into the pillow.

Iris gave her a glare stare and returned to Dan.

Ella was hitting Yesung while Emily and I made our escape.

Ella saw us run and she ran as well.

Emily and I groaned but continued to sprint away.

Emily signalled to go different ways but to meet at the same place.

I nodded and ran left.

Emily ran right.

Ella ran straight.y

Yesung tried to follow me.


He failed to do so.

I ran to the cafe and waited,

How I knew we were going to meet there don't ask me.

Ella came 3 minutes later.

Emily didn't come though.

We waited but she still didn't come.

So we returned to our home.

Where we saw Emily making out with GD in the front yard.


Like okay, it's cute and all but can you please limit the touching?

Especially since it is in the front yard.

I closed my eyes and tried to reach the front door without tripping.

I think I was about to bump into something because a pair hands held mine.

And steered me in the other direction.

I opened my eyes and saw Yesung.

He looked at me.

I looked back.

He was angry I knew.

I could see that.

Only one way to calm him down.

I lifted my head and kissed him full on da lips.

He was surprised but kissed me back.

Hehe, knew it would work.

GD was still kissing Emily's face off.


They seriously need to know when to book a room.

Iris came downstairs looking a bit smug.

Apparently Dan asked to have dinner with her.


Man my life and my friends are lucky.

We're making idols fall for us.


I thank god for putting in 8582917 spoons of sexiness into us.


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