Our debut

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The first song...


It didn't really start off well.

No one barely listened to us but when we revealed that we were kinda dating SHINee,

I swear we became millionaires after that.

We released our first album.

'Marry me please.'

It was sold out so quickly,

I swear it wasn't even in the stores.

We knew that our fame was because of SHINee.

Yesung was not happy at all.

But oh well,

I already broke up with him when I became an idol.

Like, when I signed the contract and all that stuff.

Did I forget to include that in the last chapter?

Yeah I probably did,

I can see everyone's shocked faces like

'Oh my god you idiot Carley why would you break up with Yesung? I mean he's so cute and handsome and sexy and stuff.'

Well yeah but he can sometimes be really annoying.

Just sometimes.

He kind of reminds me of T.O.P when he was my boyfriend.

Now that I think about it,

How many boyfriends have I had?

I don't even want to count.

God I'm such a player.


That was completely irrelevant.

Taemin and Emily were keeping their 'dating' a secret.

Cause Emily needs to tell GD that she is breaking up.

After 2 months of our first album,

Shocking news really made Emily cry hard.

Taemin had met a girl.

A famous one as well.

SNSD's Sunny.

I don't think everyone liked them together.

SNSD fans said that they looked perfect together,

While... Um.... No one took Emily's side because SNSD was so popular.

Emily really did cry hard.

I just sent us on a trip back to Australia to avoid the boys.

Really Taemin?

Can't you control your love?

He can't.

He lacks love experience.


Emily and I bumped into NUE'st on the beach in Australia.

I kinda accidentally bumped Emily into Ren.

With my shoulder.

Ren looked down at the Emily who had landed on his lap.

The rest of the members laughed while Emily blushed and Ren gently lifted her head up.

I swear Emily is like a goodness around here.

And me.



I think Emily really likes Ren and hasn't told me.

Question : why?

Answer : I DONT KNOW GO ASK HER YOURSELF (emmybo2001) (real person by the way she's not an alien.)


She got together with Ren and completely dumped GD.

GD surprisingly didn't seem to mind though.

Guess what?


I am going to kill him the next time I see him.

Which is exactly what happened when Emily and I went to the Mama awards.

Let me tell you,

It was very.... Distracting hearing random noises next to our cabin where Big Bang was.

And T.O.P was surprisingly there for once.

I completely avoided him.

Only when Emily and I sang our song on stage did T.O.P really know where I was.


Seeing his face was like

Seeing a comedian.

I held in my laughter and only when I got back to the backstage did I crack up laughing.

Seems like T.O.P's face was identical to GD's.

We started to laugh so hard that we fell on the floor.

Just then, GD and T.O.P came backstage and came towards us.

With anger flaring in their eyes.

Bwahaha, they think they can touch us?

Think again boys.

They walked towards Emily and I.

We suddenly felt ourselves being wrapped around really strong arms.

I looked up to see Minho.

I snuggled into his arms.

T.O.P looked at us in shock and then just left.

GD gave Ren a death glare before following T.O.P

Minho looked at me with confusion.

"Carley, who was that?"

I just shook my head,

Replied with a 'I don't know'

And kissed him.

He immediately forgot about T.O.P

God knows how much power I have over him.

Same with Emily.

They're making out next to me.

Ew no.

Get a room.

This is Minho's room.

And mine.

Get out.

I love how much power I have over Minho.

Ah.... I'm just gonna snuggle into him a bit more.....

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