Double Date

43 4 0

T.O.P better come back.

If he doesn't.....

I've called him billions of times already.

Not answering....


He's not coming back Carley.

I sighed and walked out of my bedroom.

Yesung was waiting for me.

"Shall we go?"

I nodded.

Tonight was my first date with Yesung.

I would be exposed to the world.

And so would Emily.

We're having a double date.

Both of us were stuck on what it wear.

"We have circled the mall 3 times already! We need to hurry Emily."

"Okay okay, I just want to look perfect."

"Emily? No matter what you wear, GD will say you look gorgeous, even if you wear rags. Just buy something already!"

I had already bought my dress.

It was black, with a little satin across the top.

There was a flower that we could pin on and I also bought a new headband that completed the outfit.

Now I was waiting for Emily.

She could not find a dress she liked.

She picked out the smallest things,

It was so annoying.

We finally agreed on a long, dress.

Peach in colour.

I myself nearly gagged.

What can I say?

It's Emily.

But Emily loved it so... What can I do?

(Omg I'm watching SBS Popasia right now and Big Bang is on. I laughed so loudly just then. Oops.)

After buying the dress, we went to get ice-cream.

I better not knock it out of her hands this time.....

Like when I knocked it over when we were.....



We got dressed.

That took about 30 minutes.

We went downstairs only to be greeted by two angels.

I swear men were born to wear suits.

They looked so so cool.

So all four of us,

Yesung, GD, Emily and I went off.

Waiting outside was a limousine.

Emily and I gasped in admiration.

Yesung and GD just shrugged.

Well, to us it was so much.

We all stepped in, and gasped once more.



We had the time of our life in that car.

But nothing compared to what happened after.

We arrived at the destination.

We were having dinner at 'Sweet Scent.'

And as usual, so many fan girls were surrounding the restaurant.

Giving Emily and me death glares.

We just looked at each other, and cracked up.

"Girls...." Yesung and GD said

Emily and I just rolled our eyes.

"Boys....." We both said.

We laughed again.

All four of us entered the restaurant.

After the humongous meal,

That the idols paid for.

(I mean who would make their girl pay for dinner?)

The boys drove us girls back home.

GD kissed Emily full on the lips.

Yesung gave me a quick peck on my lips.

I blushed, while Emily gladly returned the kiss to GD.

We literally had to force Emily to move away from GD.

Believe me, it is not easy trying to move someone who refuses to budge.

Anyways, Emily and I walked inside the house,

And fell asleep.....

On the couch.

Both of us.

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