Backstage pass

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We screamed our way through the entire concert.

The solo dancing by Taemin caused Emily to scream her throat out.

At the end, they threw candies into the air and Emily and I scrambles I onto our knees

Three words to describe it?




Seriously,  I could not ask for anything better.


Except for a Super Junior ticket. ..

Anyways. ..

That was irrelevant.

During the ending song,

Minho came near my seat.

And then....

He winked at me.

I'm not kidding.


The other fans started to scream and jump.

I just continued to stare at him.

At the end, we managed to get back stage due to the voice mail of Siwon saying that we were friends.

The huge, bulky bodyguards looked down at me and Emily

Then nodded, signaling us to pass.

We did,

And suddenly stopped as we heard voices.

We looked around the corner

And saw 5 pretty sexy men.

We gasped, and immediately started to squeal silently.

Unfortunately, Taemin heard us and grabbed our arms and pulled us out.

"Aigoo! Crazy fans."

Onew said.

I blushed and looked down while the courageous Emily continued to stare at her idol.

"Hi Taemin...."

She said really silently.

Taemin looked at her and said "Hey."

Emily then choose that moment to faint.

Onew immediately panicked and was fussing around like a chicken.

(Get it?)

Minho just stayed calm and picked up his phone.

Jonghyun was sleeping, unaware of the situation.

Taemin was playing with the unconscious Emily's hair.

And finally,

Key was just....

Wiping himself with a towel

Flicking the sweat all over me.

"Ew! "

I say.

Key then just laughed and ruffled my hair while I pretended to pout.

"That's Key Oppa to you."

I rolled my eyes and then sighed as Taemin slapped Emily's face lightly.

As if that's gonna wake her up.

Actually, it might.

We arrive at the hospital and then rushed Emily to the maids.

The next morning......

I wake up by the stupid sunlight shining on my face.

I looked at my best friend who was unconscious due to the sight of SHINee and also because of the impact of her head against the floor.

I looked outside and signaled to Minho to tell everyone else that she was fine.

Especially Taemin, since he forced me to tell him that he was Emily's favorite.

Minho just looked a bit sad but when I hugged him,

He immediately brightened up.


I looked at her and realized that her eyes were moving.

She fluttered open her eyes

And stared at me with shock.

"Emily!  You're okay!"

I ran to hug her but she pushes me away.

"Wha-? Who are you?"

She replies.

I look at her.


You don't remember who I am?"

I love you. Me tooNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ