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Iris was fussing over the dress to wear,


Why do girls fuss over what to wear while men just wear suits?

This world is so unfair.

Iris finally decided on something that was pale pink.

I showed good friendship and said that she looked gorgeous.

Jayde on the other hand, started to laugh so hard she fell off her chair.

Ella just ran out of the room and we could hear her laughter muffled by the wall.

Iris looked at me with sad eyes but I convinced her that she looked fine.

She left the house with a smile.

Someone suddenly knocked at the front door.

I walked to the door, thinking it was Iris just coming back because she forgot something.

It wasn't her though.

A girl with long, flowing hair stood in front of me.

She was wearing a t-shirt that said 'I love 5SOS'

I nearly turned around and slammed the door in front of her face.

Of course I didn't though, I'm not that mean.

Or am I?


Only joking.

She was shivering, I could tell she was cold,

I looked outside and saw snow falling down.

No wonder she looked pale.

Her lips were blue.

I welcomed her inside.

She bowed a little thanks.

I told her to sit in a chair and she hesitated a bit, before sitting down.

She finally said something.

"Thank you."

I nodded and ran to the kitchen to get food for her.

When I returned, the girl was still in the same spot and place.

"I'm Jessica. Why are you taking care of me? You don't even know me!"

I draped the blanket over her.

"Think about that later. Rest for now."

I left the room.

And bumped into Chen.

"Hey Carley."

I smiled back at him.

"Hey camel."

His smile faded.

"Yah! What did you call me?"

And then he began to chase me around the house.

"Argh argh! I'm sorry."

He doesn't seem to accept it.

Finally I give up.

I fall onto the couch.

Chen comes up behind me huffing and puffing.


He try's to surprise me but I can hear his breathing.

Ha, can't fool me.

He reaches down to poke me but I roll away.

Landing on the floor.

He starts to laugh.

And the girl walked in.

The girl whose name was Jessica.

She looked at me.

Looked at Chen.

Then looked at me again.

"Hey Jessica. This is Chen. Chen, meet Jessica."

Chen smiled and said "hey!"

While Jessica just continued to stare.

"Um.... Okay. Chen, go practice your singing. Jessica, come with me."

Chen left the room with a pout but i ignored it.

"Sit Jessica."

She sat down.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

Jessica started to tear.

"Oh no. You don't have to tell me."

"No, I'll tell you...."

I sat down as well.

"I ran away from the home."

I gasped.

"What? Why?"

She signalled me to stop speaking,

"I didn't know what I was doing. I only knew that I was being used.

My mother and father divorced. I was heartbroken already.

Then my mother married another man.

My real father disappeared and I have no idea where he is now.

My stepfather hated me..... He only married my mother for her gold,

I tried to tell her but she didn't listen.

Then my stepfather left my mother.

Taking the gold with him.

I was taken by him, kidnapped.

He gave me food, but only the scraps.

I finally ran away, I couldn't take it anymore."

I was shocked.

"I didn't know how to tell my mother..... I don't know why."

I grabbed her hand.

"It's okay Jessica."

She just shook her head.

And started to cry.

I pulled her in for hug.

"It's okay. It's okay."

I love you. Me tooWhere stories live. Discover now