It's Battle time

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On my right the warrior that never holds back and has a heart made of metal as well as an arm and a leg
And on my left
A purple haired warrior who has the ability to make you cater to his every whim (who also looks like aizawa's secret love child)
I: "so this is the guy that ojiro told me about" izuku thought.

Flash back
HS: looks like your friend is a coward he just gave up he's afraid of being humiliated by people who are clearly stronger than him he must of traded his backbone for that tail
Izuku is about to retort when ojiro stops him though he looks angry himself
Ojiro takes him away
Izuku: so what did you want to talk about
Ojiro: it's that guys quirk he started talking to me then when I responded my mind went blank then I bumped into someone during the battle and it woke me so promise never talk back to him.
Flashback over
Izuku was about to snap when he remembers this
Izuku claps his hands and turns his arm into a blade
Izuku charges
S:oh so that monkey must of told you about my quirk
Izuku is getting closer and closer to anger
Izuku rushes him
Shinso dodges whole taunting until
S:so you refuse to respond didn't your parents ever teach you manners they must be ashamed
Katsuki: That's bad he's going to snap
Everyone looks at him questioningly
This puts him over the edge
Then his mind goes blank
S:Ha pathetic now walk out of the ring
PM:what he's walking out of ring after attacking him non stop
Izuku in his mind
I; what I can't stop myself come on if I can just clap my hands
Katsuki: hey you can't give up we still need to fight
Todoroki: i declared war on you not that freak
Winry: your not the type to give up you made it further than me so fight and show off my automail
Mum: you need to win never give up that temper of yours will be your downfall
Izuku stops
Izuku turns around and walks towards shinso
I:you can trash talk me all you want just never talk about my mum like that also your quirk is amazing it could be used for so many thing like integration or capturing villains you can be a hero but if you act like they way you do now you won't become anything
Izuku claps his hands sending  a blast of earth toward him blowing him out of the ring
Izuku walks over and helps him up
Shinso: but why I insulted you and your friends
I: I learned a long time ago that there is no point in holding grudges so let's be friends
S: i would like that
Yeah didn't realise this was unfinished will here it is

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