End of season 3

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I know I haven't updated in over a week and I'm really sorry about that
Basically Izuku and bakugo had no reason to fight because they both passed so no trouble so I'm going to be starting this chapter form when the class meets the big three
Just so you know Izuku has met all of the big three and has trained with mirio on multiple occasions
Aizawa: morning today we will be going into more detail on what the works studies entail I'll have people who've experienced them first hand Explain I suggest you listen carefully as they point out how work studies differ from internships these 3 are third years at ua They rank at the very top of our student body you may know them as the big three
Izuku: smirks at this
Tamaki does his thing where he imagines them all has potatoes
I've tried to do that as it does not work
Izuku tries not to laugh knowing all about amajiki but he doesn't and he knows that it's how he reacts with stuff like this the speech at the sports festival was an exception though he could be as quick as he wanted with that

They go to the gym

Suddenly mirio attacks Izuku with a bit of one for all activated
Izuku counters with his fall power but quickly senses that it was not mirio's
(Mirio at this point in time can handle about 40% without injuring himself and will be able to handle more by season 4)

Izuku: so we're fighting you today huh
Mirio: yup like always

Everyone is confused
Izuku: ah right wonder how I got so strong quickly well I met this guy and the rest of the big three and they help me train
Kirishima: wow dude have you beaten any of them
Izuku prevents himself from flinching: now that's a secret
Izuku: hey teach mind if I sit this one out
Aizawa: that's fine do whatever you want
Katsuki: what's the deal bro don't you want to fight him
Izuku: course I do but it's 1v1 or not at all with him
Mirio: yup

Izuku goes and sits next to tamaki
Tamaki whispers: I know the real reason you don't want to fight him
Izuku: yeah I don't feel like getting my ass kicked today
Tamaki smiles a little
Izuku: anyway the person I really wanna fight is you
Tamaki flinches: so positive so eager I can't handle it I wanna go home
Izuku sweatdrops
Let's go to the fight

Katsuki said he will go first
He charges him and he fazes right through then Mirio proceeds to kick all of their assess shouting power everyone time he beat them up
Mirio: ok Izuku you can fight me now
Izuku starts to sweat but decides to fight him

Izuku: all right it's time to show you how I've changed
Mirio: well let's see it
Izuku charges right up to level 2
Izuku rushes Mirio and strikes but he just fazes right through but in mid air he launches a shockwave point blank but Mirio easily fazes through the floor and hides there
Izuku closes his eyes waiting

Kirishima: what's he doing did he give up
Todoroki and katsuki: no way
Katsuki: he's waiting
Mirio comes out from behind and punches Izuku in the back but it does almost nothing
Mirio: what was that
Izuku: it's a new technique I developed it's where a focus all of charges aura into one point and it increase that certain parts power using the strength that would usually be evenly dispersed though my body it's good but It has a drawback where the rest of my body has no increases whatsoever meaning that the rest of my body is super vulnerable because I know you so well I was able to predict where you'd strike me I can't do that with people I don't know
Mirio: yeah that's does suck but when it works it's great maybe I should start doing that
Izuku: it's my gift too you now let's get back to this
They go blow for blow but eventually Izuku gets overwhelmed and ends up on the floor
Izuku starts laughing
Izuku: I think that's the longest I ever lasted against you
Mirio: yeah usually you don't even last a couple of minutes this time you lasted almost five minutes
Izuku pouts a little
Mirio laughs: don't worry dude you'll improve by a lot by the time your my age
Izuku: stop talking to me like a little kid we're only two years apart but yeah I get it there not just strength you have tons more experience then me
Mirio: yup
Everyone claps at how well Izuku did
Katsuki: tch he totally showed me up
Izuku: if your feeling annoyed kaachan don't worry I only lasted so long because I knew his fighting style

Mirio goes on to explain his quirk and Izuku does the same thing they both had trouble getting strong

Now that's a rap again sorry it took so long college has been a bit hectic so yeah lame excuse I know but I'll try and get back to weekly updates maybe even twice a week If I feel like it

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