Camping Preparation

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4 students where pouting
Ashido; I-I am really looking forward to hearing all your stories about how fun camp was
Izuku: come on you might still get to go
Sero: come on don't jinx us I probably won't get to go since we only passed because of mineta
Mineta looked smug
Izuku: mineta I have to admit what you did was impressive but don't be smug about it

Winry: izu just stop talking to them I don't think they like it, it sounds patronising
Izuku: yeah I guess your right sorry guys
Sato: it's fine you were trying to make us feel better
Izuku: thanks though don't give up there might be a last minute twist
Aizawa: you should be in your seats when the bell rings
Aizawa: morning unfortunately there are some of you that didn't pass the exams so as far as the training camp goes
sato,sero,Mina,kaminari: it's a last minute twist
Mina: wait we really get to go
Sato: seriously
Awizawa: the good news is that no-one failed the written exam but as far as the practical 1 team being Mina and kaminari and then sato and sero failed since only one of your teammates got to the gate so you'll have to take a extra classes during the camp as well as training
Little skip
Kirishima: Well since we are all going why don't we go to the mall and spend the day together and get stuff we need
Izuku: sounds good but I'll pass
Katsuki: yeah me too
Winry grabs both their collars: no you are going you need to get some stuff anyway
Kirishima: yeah come on guys it'll be fun
Izuku scowling: fine I'll go
Katsuki; yeah can't be that bad
(I'm basing this off of my a tail experience with this kind of thing)
Time skip to the mall
Random: hey it's students from ua
The sports festival was so cool
Uraraka: they still remember that
Izuku: it appears so
Mineta: all right where can I find a locking kit and a small drill
Izuku: what was that 😡
Mineta: nothing spoil sport
Kaminari: maybe I should get some outdoor shoes for this thing
Hagakure: oh yeah me too
Lida: the guide said your shoes should already be broken in though but wait maybe we should factor utility into the equation
Izuku: he has a point but our mum already had us by those shoes and they where broken in ages ago
Katsuki: yeah it was a real pain but it will be worth it
Winry: yeah she made me do the same
Kirishima: all right let's split up  meet back here around three
Everyone: sounds good
Bakugo and izuku and together because their mum gave them a list
Simple things that you would bring on a camping trip like
A torch
A tent (I might change this because I can't remember if they slept in tents)
Protective gear (just in case)
First aid kit
Shigaraki: I want an autograph you where the brothers that won the sports festival I swear I've never seen two teenagers fight so intensely
Izuku: yeah that's us
Katsuki: heh ua is amazing so many people know and remember us
Shigaraki: and you my golden haired friend are one of the students the ran into the hero killer
Izuku: you know a lot
Shigaraki: what can I say I'm just a big fan it's certainly great tuning into you two again
Izuku and katsuki notice the guys pale hair
Shigaraki: this feels like it's destiny
He puts 4 fingers on izuku's neck
Shigaraki: from you point of view we haven't met since the attack on ua
Katsuki: heh do you really want to do that we me here tomura shigaraki
The whole thing with shigaraki's monologue
Shigaraki: act natural I'm just an old friend that ran into you calm down and wipe that look off your face and if you two try to fight me your brothers throat will disintegrate I amount of seconds you'll be dust and powdered bone
Izuku: if you do that with so many people here a hero will come along and catch you in no time you couldn't escape
Shigaraki: yes that's true but anyone here even you could start a riot with there quirks but they don't because the are convinced that rules will protect them and the fact that they thing nothing bad will shown to them they are just sheep after you i could kill twenty, thirty maybe even more including your explosive brother before any pros could get here
Izuku and katsuki: ok lets talk
Shigaraki talks about the hero killer
Shigaraki: what do you think the difference is between us
Meanwhile bakugo is sitting opposite them and he's itching to blow his head off but he knows that he would kill Izuku and that's illegal
Cut to winry
Winry: I really hope that Izuku had found everything he needs and hasn't gotten into trouble like usual I don't know why I feel worried about him a lot of the time come in winry he's the strongest person you know he can defend himself plus he always has Katsuki to protect him yeah he's fine
Back to Izuku 
Izuku: your goals and yout villains I don't agree with anything you do but with the hero killer he has a good point their are heroes that are only in it for the money and fame but those things still don't justify murder and the fact he got inspired by all might like me and my friends too and that night he even saved me and he doesn't destroy things just because it's fun and he doesn't run away when things look bad for him like you did  even though what he did was wrong he held true to his beliefs that's the difference
Shigaraki: that's like a wesofjt of my chest it all makes sense the problem is all might he's way all of these people are able to smile because of that garbage pro smiling thoughtlessly they think there's nothing in the world he can't save I feel better I don't need to change my ways
He begins  to strangle Izuku
Katsuki gets up
Shigaraki: don't interfere and you don't struggle unless you want to die you know how to ironic hero killer your my opposite but you let me live
Winry: izu
Shigaraki let's go and izuku falls on to a bench choking
Izuku: hold on shigaraki have a have question too
Winry: shigaraki
Izuku: what is all for one after
Shigaraki: who knows but be careful next time we meet I might have to kill you
Another thing with Shigaraki's inner thoughts
Winry reported the incident  and the police couldn't find him and  I got interviewed
Izuku walks out of the police station to see him mum and brother
His mum walks up too him and slaps him
Mum(what's her name): demand why did you have to scare me like that
She then hugged him
Mum: I'm so glad your ok
Then the heroes talk about how they need to capture the villains
That's a rap sorry for the long wait

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