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The usual thing happens Izuku is saved by stain when a nomu takes him and now the gang are in the hospital

Izuku: hey guys how are you feeling
Todoroki: fine I guess but I still worry about what's going to happen to us since we used our quirks illegally
Lida; yeah I feel the same way but we have to believe that what we did was for the greater good and we won't be punished too badly
Izuku: yeah though all in all there's one thing I'm even more worried about than that
He said looking at where his metal arm would be while sweating
Todoroki confused: what are you worried about
Izuku: well I broke my metal arm and winry was the one that made it and whenever I break it she gets really scary
Todoroki and lida chuckle at that
Izuku: hmm so you do have a sense of humour
Todoroki scowles: hey
Izuku: joking but you should relax more you'll have a better life that way believe me
Todoroki remembers what Izuku told him at the sports festival and knew that he knew what he was talking about.

Skip through all of stains origin and bakugo and momo's internship because there exactly the same

Izuku suddenly hears his phone ring
Izuku: hello
Winry: hey izu
Izuku: winry hey
Winry: well I'm relived to find out your ok how's your auto mail
Izuku; wow that's a first you care about both me and your automail
Winry: don't dodge the question
Izuku: yeah in the process of defeating stain I-it kind of broke
Izuku; hey it was an accident and don't forget you can't hit me over the phone also it's basically the same it's just in smaller pieces
Winry: your lucky I can't hit you but anyway I am truly glad your alive don't you dare do that again promise
Izuku: promise
Winry: ok I'll be at the hospital soon to fix up your automail
Izuku: thank you gear head
Winry: no problem it is my job
Suddenly the door to their room opens and Izumi and Manual enter the room
Manual: I must say your action have caused a problematic situation i am afraid you will have to be punished for what you did
Izuku: what if we hadn't stepped in our friend would be dead
Todoroki: yeah midoriyas right we couldn't of just let him die
He looked ready to attack
Manual: I wasn't finished you would usually be punished but since there weren't many witnesses we can just forget this ever happened but you won't get recognition for it
Izuku: should of just started with that but who will get the credit
Manual: endeavour woof
Izuku: woof
Todoroki clenches his fists and a little sparks lights in his hand
Izuku: it's ok shoto it's better than us being expelled or worse
Todoroki: yeah you've got a point
Izumi: so now you know never to do this again also Izuku I have a new technique to teach you soon so make sure you get that arm fixed up
Izuku: really cool
Manual: anyway we will now leave you too heal

Lida: hey you two I've got some news
Izuku: what is it
Lida: I've found out my hand is injured an cannot be healed without surgery but I won't choose to until I become a true hero like me brother
Izuku: that's very heroic giving yourself a handicap to make sure you never forget what happened and how you need to change
Lida: exactly

A few minutes winry comes in
Winry: ok izu time to get that arm fixed up
This goes through the whole thing winry puts the curtain in front of lida and todoroki
Then izuku does the normal periodic table thing to distract him from the view
A few hours later Izuku has been discharged and is back at his teachers house
Izumi: ok hears the secret technique of our quirks it's called alchemical charge it allows us to power up our physical abilities as well as our quirks power for example you could create a huge blast of fire or a super strong shockwave
The only drawback is that when it's over it pretty much takes away all of your energy so make sure don't over do it because if you do you won't be able to move afterwards although if the situation calls for it you can

And that's a rap sorry this took so long but here's my solution for Izuku not having one for all and yes Mirio does have one for all in this fanfic

Izuku the fullmetal hero Where stories live. Discover now