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I will introduce ling
He will be a transfer student from the school that the wind guy comes from seketsu I think
Hero name: Sin
Quirk: ultimate shield he uses the carbon in his body to create a shield around himself that is almost impossible to break but it requires stamina to keep going but it gives him enhanced strength he uses a few techniques one of which revolves around him using it in a certain spot to conserve stamina
And his hero costume is the outfit ling wears
He is also a bit bi polar when he's in a fight he can get really destructive if the enemy is hard to beat but if they are weaker then him he can either be lazy or prideful if the enemy is stronger he feels envy towards their strength that's why he is not a huge fan of all might and if he goes to long without a good fight he gets bloodlust week kind of lust for a good fight also like in the anime is likes to eat a lot and he doesn't like to share unless there his friends

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