Swimming time

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All starts the same izuku thinking back to season 2 mineta and kaminari coming to get Izuku to go to the pool and aizawa going over the classes quirks
Now it's swimming time
Izuku in the changing Room
I: damn the sucks I can't swim because of my auto mail
Kaminari: oh we forgot about that sorry
Izuku: nah it's ok I can still relax in the sun and stuff
Katsuki: it would of been cool to race against you in the pool the all come out
Izuku notices mineta looking at the girls
Izuku: what are you doing
Mineta flinches
Izuku claps his hands and draws a blade from his arm
Mineta: o-ok don't I'm sorry
Izuku: good
Mineta: why aren't you threatening kaminari
Izuku: huh where he is
Mineta notices kaminari is gone: traitor
Winry: hey izu I've got some good news
Izuku: what is it
Winry: well I've go my hands on some new automail that's really light and immune to the cold so you can swim in them though I wouldn't use them for fighting since it's quite weak
Izuku: really great I can't wait for this
They do the whole thing winry gets close to Izuku he recites the periodic table blah blah blah
Time for the swimming race
Izuku dives straight into the water using quake alchemy to blast himself forward and using level 2 to swim forward as fast as he could him and lida where really close but Izuku won

Bakugo does his thing
Katsuki: it's called free style swimming
Izuku: yeah sure it is

Izuku, bakugo, todoroki
Izuku claps his hands but nothing happens
Aizawa: times up go home

Izuku: Damn it I wanted to see what the limits of this new automail was
Winry: don't you dare it took me way to long to get that
Izuku: sorry I promise I'll never break it
Winry: that's what you said the first time
Izuku: true that was a lie
Winry: so don't say things you don't mean
Izuku: yeah ok lets go him hey bro where heading off
Katsuki: ok gotcha kirishima is coming with us and we don't want the old hag to hit us again
Winry: call her that again and I'll hit you
Izuku: anyway let's go
They are walking home
Izuku: so guys what do you think of our classmates
Katsuki: most of them are cool but the ones like mineta are annoying
Krishima: agreed did you see Izuku threaten mineta earlier kaminari ran away like I devil was behind him
Izuku: yeah it was funny pervs like him are just wrong and kaminari seems like a good person but he's held back by his pervy side but he has standards at least
Winry: yeah if you didn't threaten him I would of a good wrench would of done the job
Izuku: well next time it happens you can do just that
Winry: great
Izuku: todoroki seems much less cold now then when we first met him
Katsuki: yeah that's true you beat it into him that his quirk isn't a curse and that he isn't the only one who has had a hard life
Izuku: yeah I want to make friends with him
Katsuki: I know you do
Kirishima; imagine us teaming up it would be so manly
Everyone chuckles

And that's done another chapter will be posted later this week

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