Can't think of a title

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Nejire wave
Nejire: now why are you tow fighting is or because you have the same quirk that's weird get ready your up
Winry uraraka and tysu jump up
Ultimate move
Meteor spear whip
Winry creates spears while uraraka gets rocks and tysu uses her powerful tongue to see them all flying right at the two overgrown meat heads
Nejire: great job you three you didn't seem nervous at all
Winry: that was actually pretty fun I see why Izuku likes it so much
Uraraka: I'm just glad we pulled it off
Tsyu: I was way calmer then I thought I'd be
Ryukyu gets explained
The girls in unison: thank you so much for agreeing to take us on
Ryukyu: my pleasure students or not you've already proven yourself to be valuable assets in fact I may have  a role for you in a new case that's coming up
Winry: what kind of case
Ryuku: sir nighteye has requested a team up
Winry: sir nighteye that's the agency that izu is with
Uraraka: yeah
Tsyu: what case does he want us to team up on
Ryukyu: the investigation and takedown of the yakuza group Shia hasikai (no idea how Spell it) given the league of villains possible involvement it's a big job
The league of villains are having their chat but then the door opens again

Tomura: oh yes these are some of my friends that I have formed an alliance with they are two members of the seven deadly sins
Envy: yo I'm envy I'm excited about this
Lust: and I am lus pleasure to

meet you
Overhaul: these two look impressive please tell me what are your quirks
Envy; well firstly my first quirk is too be able to shapeshift into anything I want but this is my preferred form
Lust: and my quirk is that my nails are made of a substance that I can elongate and can pierce anything but
Envy; we both have the same second quirk ever since we met father which is longer than we can remember I can't actually remember anything before we met father anyway he gave us the power to get rid of our drawbacks and we now have super regeneration where we can even get our heads blown off and we'd be fine a minute later
Overhaul: interesting
Now let's go over to katsuki and kirishima on patrol
Fat gum: we've got idiots fighting non stop on the streets these days can't eat enough to keep up anyway the agencies have been wanting a close combat type so red riot you are just what the doctor order and you ground zero you have amazing variety which is very helpful
Kirishima: I'll do my best fourth kind doesn't accept work study students so I appreciate you taking me on
Katsuki: and of course after what happened to best jeanist I can't go to him so I thought I'd join Kirishima and I know I'll do my best
Tamaki (my spirit animal); if only Mirio was here
Kirishima: come on amajiki introduce me to whoever you are doing your work study with you just gotta
Katsuki: what my friend is trying to say is would you please introduce us to who you are doing your work study with
Flashback done
Fatgum: we're gonna work on those delicate nerves of your tamaki then you'll be worth your weight in gold
Tamaki: your expectations only drag me deeper into despair. It's always like this I swear the man scouted me just so he'd have someone to torture I want to go home (I kinda want to know what his house is like)
Katsuki: don't you think you're over reacting elf dude
Kirishima: yeah maybe he's just trying to encourage you that's what mentors are supposed to do right
Tamaki: I'm not like you or mirio or Izuku postivity isn't my thing (remember izuku and tamaki have known each other for a few months now well the distance between final exams and where we are now)
Kirishima: I know what you mean sometimes when things get crazy I feel useless res a gap between me and my class mates that's only getting wider but I'm doing my best to close that gap
Katsuki: when ever you feel useless your being an idiot remember what all might told us is that just standing up means you are strong I've reminded you of that before
Tamaki: see positivity also what's with that nickname
Kirishima: oh you see this guy can be very self centred so he has trouble remembering peoples names for example he used to call me weird hair and he calls you elf dude the only people he remembers the names of us either people he's close with or peoples he knows could defeat him right now your neither too him he hasn't seen you fight but an example is izuku there really close and he knows that izuku could beat him well because he has many times
Katsuki: hey don't say it like this
Kirishima, chill man I'm just saying the truth
Katsuki looms away muttering too himself angrily
Rand person there fighting someone help
Fatgum; Ah at it again
Fatgum captures all but one of the criminals
That Crimean is caught in tamaki's tentacles
Guy; tentacles who's this freak
Tamaki: that was just cruel
Katsuki: come on man up elf dude
Kirishima; yeah he's a dirt bag don't let him get to you
Tamaki takes him down and katsuki and Kirishima are in shock
Everyone starts clapping and call tamaki cute and stuff which he reacts well all you should know how he reacts to this (again my spirit animal)
Suddenly two guys shot two guys shout and 1 of them shoots tamaki while the other aims for kiri tamaki gets hit
Kirishima that guy is mine
Katsuki: yeah well the one that shot tamaki is mine so let's go
They both run after the guys eventually the guys split up and so do katsuki and Kirishima
You guys all know how the Kirishima fight goes so let's go to katsuki

Suddenly they end up in a dead end
Katsuki just come quietly and I won't have to hurt you
Guy; yeah not happening
He entertained something into his body and he disappears and katsuki hears a clapping of feet all around him then suddenly he's punched in the face and sent flying
Guy: hey like it originally I could only go slightly faster than a normal person but now I can move faster then then the eye can see
Katsuki; you do know you could of just trained to be that good
Guy: well he wants to train when you can get strong just like this
Katsuki; I know someone who was born with a weak quirk and had so many unfortunate things happen in his life but he never gave up and now he  can beat anyone
Guy; that's a touching story but I don't care
Katsuki thinking: he's like I would of been without izuku which means I know exactly how to fight him
Not thinking: hey speed freak you could easily just run away and get away Scot free
Guy: why would I do that if I can have some fun with you first
Katsuki smirks
Guy keeps attacking katsuki over and over again and katsuki keeps getting back up
Katsuki: I've been punched with fists made of metal for most of my life this doesn't hurt one bit
The guy is getting angry now
One thing katsuki notices is that this guy isn't good at fighting he keeps going for the same attacks
And in the brief second the guy attacked but the outcome was different katsuki caught his punch
Katsuki: I knew I could figure you out
He then set off an explosion in this hand send the guy flying back and the. The tides have turned katsuki either dodges or blocks the guys attacks
The guy is getting really angry now he goes for his last resort he goes far back and charges right and katsuki
Katsuki looks straight at him before his feet glow and he uses explosions to send himself straight into the air
Katsuki: I knew I could do it
Katsuki spreads his arm apart holding explosive energy in both hands and then cups them together and sends a blast right at the guy HOWITZER STORM the guy his hit directly with this attack and like katsuki was he was sent flying and knocked unconscious
(If you want an image for the attack just imagine prominence flash from dragonball  xenoverse 2)
Katsuki then meets up with Kiri and they fist bump and then everything happens as normal from there

And that's. rap
Sorry for taking so long if you saw my announcement I just got really into a game and I am now on a break from college so if I keep up my motivation I should be able to keep producing chapters

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