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Waking up to a warm bed with a woman in his arms, was great. But what made it even greater was that it was not just any woman. Twas Madilyn Brompton, his woman. Her eyes were closed, and Thomas thought about the words she had spoken.

I believe that I love you too.

His heart warmed at just the thought of it. The way she had made love to him last night proved to him that she did not merely believe it, but that she felt it too. She truly loved him, just like he loved her.

His worries and fears were forgotten when he was holding her. She had promised to sleep in his bed every night, and he would make certain she kept to that promise, for he really wanted to wake up with her in his arms every morning.

He felt a smile come on his lips, then could not resist touching her cheek. With a light touch, he caressed her, enjoying the fact that he could do that. Her lips suddenly curled into a smile, and then her head turned and she kissed his arm.

"Good morning," her sweet voice said. Finally her eyes opened, and Thomas was mesmerized all over again. He had forgotten how bright her beautiful blue eyes were, and he felt like he was experiencing her gorgeous smile for the first time. His heart skipped a few beats while he tried to remind himself how to breathe.

"Good morning," he managed to respond.

"What is it?" she asked as her hand came up to lay it on his cheek. "You seem so stiff."

"Merely nervous for this afternoon," he lied. Twas not a complete lie, though. He was nervous for the afternoon indeed, for they would go to Everton and surprise Arthur. Thomas was quite frightened to see his brother, but he did not know why. Did he fear the man Arthur had become, or did he fear the man they were about to meet was not Arthur at all?

Either way, he was nervous. He wanted to go to Everton, but at the same time he did not. He wanted to see his brother with his own eyes, but he also wanted the man to remain a mere memory.

"There is no need to be. I will be there, and Adelaide will be there. Arthur will not know what hit him."

"But what if that makes him even more dangerous?"

His eyes locked with hers, and she saw the worry she could not hide. So she kissed his lips shortly and told him: "then we have to frighten him more."


The carriage ride to Everton was quite silent. Thomas did not bother, for his mind was spinning with possible scenarios for the meeting with his brother. They would pretend it is a surprise from Madilyn to her sister, but in reality, Adelaide knew all about it. She had send a letter saying her husband is at home and not planning to leave today.

Thomas was frightened for what he might find in Everton. His brother had become a truly evil man, if he is indeed the man calling himself the lord of Everton. He kidnapped young children from the street and sold or used them. He could not imagine a Brompton child doing such thing, yet Arthur had proven him wrong.

"Will our visit not spook Arthur?" Madilyn suddenly asked. "If he knows you are after him, will he not hide?"

"Mayhap," Thomas said with a shrug. "But while we are with him, the police are entering Halbert, the place we suspect they keep the children. If that is so, we can catch them."

"Arthur and the lord of Colston?"

He nodded. "I hope they find evidence of Arthur there, for else there is nothing tying him to the kidnappings and selling."

"But he is connected to Colston," Madilyn argued. "And he has paid the untrue Halbert family."

"Many people know Colston. As to the payment, I am certain Arthur can make up a story why he paid that money. Mayhap he can say Colston tricked him into doing so."

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