It's Anne Shirley-Cuthbert sir and what's up?

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    It was way well into September and it was a pleasant Friday morning and two bosom friends were walking peacefully, hand-in-hand by the timid forest path. 

A small beep was heard and Diana heave out her phone from her pocket. 

"Anne look, The Athena is starting screenings for writers at school." Diana exclaims to Anne after stifling through her phone."The what now?" Anne asks. "The school's publication, Anne look." 

    Diana says showing Anne her phone that was opened on a tab of the Avonlea High Website that Jake Anderson, the school's tech guy made where formal and even informal news are announced in. It covers everything in Avonlea High, even the dumbest of rumors get into that website. Every club and organization has a page and every single student has an account there, well now that they realize. Everyone but Anne. 

   "Oh." Anne says seemingly interested.

   "Now that I remember, you don't have an account on Avon-tea High School Forum yet. Let's make you one after school!" Diana chimes in overly excited. "Well, no wonder I haven't been getting the latest tea in Avonlea except from the occasional tea visits from Mrs. Lynde." Anne says as she then saw an exquisite cerulean and black spotted butterfly fly by. She followed it with her gaze admiringly. Some things really never change. 

  "Come to think of it, I haven't been seeing Mrs. Rachel around lately. And I haven't seen her posts on facebook either." Diana says quizically. "Oh, that's cause she and Mr. Lynde have been on a vacation in their rest house in Barbados. I remember clearly when she came over to our house just to tell us that over tea." Anne recalls."How come she doesn't post about it? I mean Mrs. Rachel posts everything on her timeline and comments on just about anyone else's." Diana asks puzzled."Well, I don't know. Maybe there's no wifi there? Or she lost her phone or something, I don't know." Anne suggests making Diana's eyebrow turn up."Yeah, maybe we'll never know." 

"Oh ho ho no Diana Barry, as soon as Mrs. Rachel comes home to Avonlea, she'll be spilling a bunch of tea for me, Matthew and Marilla, I'm telling you." Anne says as she laughs her contagious laugh that Diana seemed to have caught as they were now laughing their way to Avonlea High. 

   They reach their lockers and a familiar frame approaches them. "So, have you guys read the latest tea." Gilbert says leaning onto a locker beside them. "I haven't cause I don't have an account yet." Anne says nonchalantly while grunting stifling through her locker that is looking a bit crowded with random stuff by now that she finds it hard to stifle through. 

"What, you don't? That's ridiculous. We've got to make an account for you then." Gilbert says surprised at this new revelation."You're the one who's ridiculous if you think I'll let you make an account for me." Anne scoffs."Nah, not me. I'll get help from Jake." Gilberts says."No worries, Diana says she's gonna help me make one, right Di?" She looks at Diana for assurance but Diana had a I-don't-think-so smirking expression all over her face. 

   "Umm actually I have things to attend to with the Avonlea Choir. I may not be able to help you today." She saw how Anne was about to disagree. " And any other day, you see it's ber-months and the holidays are coming and we are all up on it for practices and stuff." Diana blurts out the perfect excuse which was not entirely a lie. She was a part of the Avonlea Choir but practices was not until next moth. She'll probably just ask Charlie out for themeantime. "But you said you would help me?" Anne asks unbelievingly.

   "Well, the only conclusion is, I just won't have an account as I don't need one. I'll just sip tea from your cup Diana." She looks at her accusingly. "What, no way." Diana says feeling her plan crumbling. "You can sip from my cup if you want, carrots." Gilbert never fails to tease Anne. "Psh. No effin way Blythe." She says rolling her eyes. 

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