Chapter 1 - A Messy Desk Leads to a messy situation

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Rey rapped her finger nails on her faux mahogany desk and checked the clock again. He was an hour late. An hour late! Where was he? She was going to kill him, and this time it wasn't an empty threat. she was going to take.him.out. It was only 10am on Monday morning and Rey was already threatening to murder her boss of two years. What an excellent start to her work week.

She smiled sweetly at Hux who sat in the chair in front of her desk with his legs crossed and a displeased look on his pale drawn face.

'I'm sure he'll be here soon Mr Hux, probably just stuck in traffic!'

'Yes, I'm sure that's it.' Hux said with a smarmy smile.

In order to avoid any further contact with Hux Rey began to type noisily on her keyboard.

I want to murder my boss. I want to murder my boss. I want to murder my boss.

She typed it over and over again until she felt somewhat better.

Another twenty excruciatingly long minutes passed before the infamous Ben Solo finally strolled into the office and parked himself in front of Rey's desk. Rey stood up and glared at Ben which was no mean feat giving the height difference between them.

'Sir, Mr Hux has been waiting rather a long time, but I'm sure you have a good reason for your tardiness?' She said through gritted teeth.

Ben gave her that slow smile that made her want to punch him.

'Nope. I would just rather have me teeth fucking pulled out than spend a minute of my time with this sniffling weasel, no offence.' He said gesturing to Hux.

Rey groaned inwardly. Great. Fucking great. Just what she needed. Another cock fight right in front of her desk. Could Ben Solo ever just keep his big mouth shut?

Hux stood up. He did not look happy, but then Hux never looked happy. Rey doubted he even knew what a smile was let alone how to put one on his face.

'Why don't we reschedule for a time that's better for everyone?' Rey said plastering another sickly 'I'm so tired of Ben Solo's shit' smile on her face.

Hux took one last angry look at Ben, nodded briefly to Rey and left. Rey dropped her shoulders and puffed out some air.

'Well that went well. Tell me Sir, do you enjoy making my life a living hell or is it just a convenient bonus for you?'

'Just a bonus and I've told you to call me Ben, Rey.'

'I'll call you 'Ben' once you've qualified to be considered a friend to me, Sir.'

Ben rolled his eyes at Rey and entered his office. Rey picked up her pad and pen and followed him into the room without knocking.

'Rey we've discussed this, you need to knock when you enter my office.'

Rey shut the door behind her and turned around to face her boss,

'When I knock you ignore me and I have a pad full of messages for y.....'

Rey stopped talking at the sight of her boss standing shirtless to the side of the room with a freshly pressed blue shirt hanging from one of his enormous hands.

Rey has never seen her boss shirtless before. Of course she knew Ben worked out, but there was a difference between knowing someone worked out and seeing the fruits of that labour laid out before   you on a very attractive platter. Rey licked her lips and stammered.

'Well come on then Rey! Spit it out!' Ben said as he put on the shirt and did up the buttons.

Rey cocked her head to the side, the way he did up his buttons was very....nimble....she had always thought of Ben as more of a 'Hulk Smash!' kinda guy. She wondered what else he could do with   those agile fingers...

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