Dinner with the Solo's

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'Mr Solo sent me,' Rey said grumpily as she stood in front of Phasma's desk with her arms folded across her chest.

'Ahhh yes, apparently I am to help you dress for some sort of event you will be representing the company at?' Phasma said.

She looked Rey over from head to toe. 'We'd better get started right away.'

Rey's day started out badly and got steadily worse. But she thought to herself, that if she was going to be forced to sit in a massage chair while expert beauticians took care of her hair, nails, skin, and face... she might as well enjoy it.

Phasma decreed that Rey needed more than just fashion advice, and declared that a complete overhaul was the only way to go. Rey decided to overlook the insult and just enjoy the ride. So now they were in a top salon that Rey could only dream of being able to afford herself, and Phasma demanded the works for Rey.

Phasma herself looked downright bored as she sat in the chair opposite Rey, inspecting her chrome polished nails. Phasma was a goddess. Rey had always thought of her as a perfect fit for Ben, but Phasma was already married. Rey forgot his name, James or Jamie? But anyway, that was a story for another time and place...

'Rey, I'm going to come back later. This is going to take some time. Everything is on account so don't worry about paying. I'll be back when it's time to choose you an outfit. Do NOT do that without me,' Phasma said arching her left eyebrow. Then she clicked across the salon floor and left.

Rey wished she was born with the kind of elegance that Phasma seemed to exude naturally, she guessed it was in her genes. Rey didn't know what was in her genes. She didn't even know her real parents' names... but again that was a story for another time — and a rather sad one that Rey didn't particularly want to dwell on.

She focused on the beautiful bob the hairdresser teased her unruly hair into.

'I've never felt so glamorous!' Rey said with a grateful smile.

The staff were surprised by her response. Their usual clientele were full of complaints, or too full of their own importance to even talk at all. It wasn't long before Rey had them all cheerfully chatting and offering to help her with everything from shaping her eyebrows to choosing the right moisturiser. By the time Phasma returned to collect her, Rey felt she had made a set of lifelong friends at Rebel Salon. She waved to Finn, Rose and Poe and promised to be back very soon.

Phasma knew exactly which dress would suit Rey's slight frame. She selected a simple light blue fitted shift dress and a pair of white high heels. Rey rarely wore heels, so Phasma had her parade up and down the store until she could demonstrate that she was capable of walking  without falling over. Rey felt like an idiot but she dare not argue with Phasma.

Phasma said that Mr Solo authorised some other outfits and accessories for future events that Rey was to attend as well. Rey blinked in wonderment as Phasma expertly picked out clothes, jewellery, handbags and shoes which were bagged up in tissue paper and shiny plastic by the eager staff.

Rey wondered what Phasma thought of this arrangement. Did she suspect that there was something else going on? If she did, her expression didn't give anything away. Phasma was probably too clever to engage in idle gossip. She didn't climb the ranks to become a senior partner at FO Corp without knowing when to keep her mouth shut.

When Phasma bundled Rey into the company car with her many purchases at the end of the day, Rey took the opportunity to try and thank Phasma but found herself cut off mid sentence.

'No need to thank me,' she replied with a wave of her hand. 'Comes under "any other duties" in the job description.'

'Still, I appreciated it anyway.'

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