If its not one thing, its your mother...

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The next morning Rey cracked open one eye and peeked at Ben. He was still in a drink induced coma by the looks of things. Would he remember the events from the night before? Rey checked her hand. The ring was still there. She eyed it suspiciously.

'You betta stay put!' She whispered.

Rey turned onto her side and pretended to be asleep, waiting nervously for Ben to wake up.

But Ben didn't stir, instead he turned towards her and slung a heavy arm across her body. His hand travelled across her stomach and his fingers curled around her side, then he pulled her across the bed until she was flush with his chest.

Rey yelped in surprise then stilled. Ben was so warm, it was nice to feel him against her back. He buried his head in her hair and Rey stifled a giggle as his breath tickled her scalp.

Rey felt a ball of heat form in the pit of her stomach. It grew until her entire body was engulfed. The feeling was comforting like being wrapped in a warm blanket. Rey struggled to understand what it was...she felt contentment and an overwhelming sense of...belonging. She felt...

Oh god.

She felt like she was finally...home. Like being with Ben was where she was meant to be. Tears sprang to Rey's eyes. All these years she had searched for this and now here it was. But this wasn't the way it was supposed to be. Her feelings were real, but the relationship...wasn't. Why did this have to happen now? Rey sobbed a little too loudly and Ben untangled himself from her hair.


'I'm fine.' Rey replied sounding anything but fine.

'What's wrong?' Ben asked gently, pushing himself up on one arm to look down at her.

How could she explain what was wrong?

The ring came off and I'm too afraid to tell you because then you might not need me anymore and I want you so badly if you reject me now my heart might never recover?

Because she couldn't say any of those things, Rey cried harder.

Ben looked distraught.

'Please Rey, just tell me what's wrong? I'll make it better, I promise.'

Rey took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

'Do you remember last night?' She asked between sniffles.

'No. I don't remember anything after the bar...what did I do? Don't tell me I did something to you? Is this my fault?'

He didn't remember. Relief flooded through Rey. Okay, that was one less thing to worry about.

'No! No, you didn't do anything. I just had to help you into bed that's all, you were a little worse for wear.'

'So what's all this about?'

'I'm just...I'm just a bit emotional that's all. I've always lived alone and I've never had a family or anything even remotely like one and all this is just a bit much to take, you know?'

It wasn't really a lie, she just omitted some of the more important details.

'Rey, I know I'm not your real fiance, but I want you to know that I am your real friend and I'm here for you whenever you need me.'

I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.

The words played over and over in her mind but she couldn't allow herself to say them. She had to protect herself. This was only a temporary arrangement. No point complicated the situation with feelings that would never be returned.

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