A very real ending

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Ben and Rey turned up for work that day as usual, but this time, they held hands as they entered the building and Ben pulled her in for a searing kiss before he disappeared into his office.

Rey was nervous. Leia's plan seemed simple and effective, but Snoke was clever. Would he be able to weasel out of their grasp? She hoped not.

Leia came into the room and winked at Rey. Rey winked back. Leia had been giving a brief explanation of events focusing mainly on Snoke's involvement. They omitted the parts about their  relationship being fake. As the engagement was 100% real now, she didn't feel too guilty about not being completely truthful with her future mother-in-law.

Leia went into Ben's office and Rey tried to keep up the appearances of a normal work day. She wished she could be a typical fiancé looking at wedding magazines and flower arrangements but there would be time for all that once they made sure Snoke was out of their lives for good.

A few minutes later, Snoke arrived. Snoke had never visited Ben's office before. Ben had always been summoned by Snoke. This was the only time Rey had even known it be the other way around. He took one disapproving look at Rey, and opened the door to Ben's office.

Rey made a face behind his back and slipped in after him.

'What is she doing here?' Snoke spat looking at Rey.

'She's here because this concerns her too.' Leia said.

Snoke sat down in Ben's chair. Ben stood beside his mother who sat opposite Snoke. Rey stood on the other side of Leia.

'Let's not beat around the bush, I'm going to start my own business and I need Ben and Rey.' Leia said bluntly.

Snoke scoffed, 'You can take the girl but Ben stays here. He has a contract.'

'Yes this business of the extended notice period. The only problem is that I need Ben now, so what if we make a deal?'

'No deals.' Snoke sneered.

'Oh I think you'll want to deal with me when you hear what I'm proposing.'

Snoke looked at Leia expectantly.

'If you refuse to give me Ben, I can't start my own business, and if I can't do that, I'll just have to start interfering in yours.'

'What?' Snoke said.

FO Corp is a publicly traded company. I find I quite like the idea of becoming a shareholder. Perhaps even a majority shareholder.'

'You wouldn't.' Snoke said with alarm.

'Try me.' Leia said leaning forward in her seat.

Snoke looked beaten. He turned to Ben.

'So after everything we've gone through, in the end you go back to your family for help. You're nothing but a weak little momma's boy. Go ahead and leave. I don't want you.'

'First you give me the contract.' Ben said sternly.

Snoke turned to Rey.

'You still work here don't you? Make yourself useful and go find Hux. He will give you what you want.'

Rey left the office and located Hux. Hux looked incensed to be addressed by Rey, but he did as she asked and retrieved the contract.

Rey walked back into Ben's office and handed the document to Ben. He smiled down at her.

Rey took Ben's hand in hers and turned to Snoke.

'Just to avoid any confusion, we quit.' She said.

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