Chapter 6

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Amy had been trying to find a way to apologize to her mom, to find the right words to convey how truly sorry she was for ever doubting Farrah. Amy's meeting with her father had been an utter and complete disaster; it was everything she was afraid it would be and the truth was, she didn't really know how to get over that. Karma had been trying to make Amy feel better, somehow fix the damage, Amy's dad had done.

"Hey." Karma said, walking into Amy's room.

"Hey." Amy said, sitting up in her bed.

"So I have the whole weekend planned out for us and you can't say no." Karma said, taking a seat next to Amy on her bed.

"Karma.." Amy said.

"Look, I know you're hurt and you want time to heal and stuff like that but no good can come from sitting around and moping." Karma said.

"I haven't been moping." Amy said, trying to defend herself.

Karma shot Amy a look.

"Okay, so maybe I've been a little mopey." Amy said.

"I know things will take time to become okay and most of it is going to happen on its own but I want to do my part in making things okay again." Karma said.

Amy smiled at Karma, touched by how much Karma wanted to see Amy happy. "What do you have planned?"

"Okay, so we're going to have a girls' weekend, starting from Friday night. I'm going to get PS I Love You, which will be enough to make us cry all night and then we can eat cookies and ice cream to help with the feels." Karma said.

"Sounds perfect." Amy said, half-heartedly.

"What's wrong?" Karma asked.

"I've just been trying to figure out how to speak to my mom." Amy said, looking down at her hands.

"Amy, just talk to her." Karma said.

"But what do I say? How do I apologize?" Amy said.

"Just talk to her, be honest with her, she'll understand." Karma said.

"This is my mother we're talking about." Amy said, with her eyebrows raised.

"Even still, she'll understand." Karma said.

Amy took a deep breath and thought about what Karma had suggested; maybe Karma was right, maybe all she needed to do was talk to her mom. Once Karma left, Amy decided to man up and finally speak to her mother.

Amy walked as slowly as she could toward her mother and Bruce 's room, she really didn't want to deal with this but she knew she had to. Amy took a breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Farrah said.

Amy slowly opened the door, "Hey mom."

"Hey Amy , what's going on?" Farrah asked, putting down the book she was reading.

"I just wanted to speak to you about something." Amy said.

Farrah gestured for Amy to take a seat in front of her on her bed.

"What's on your mind honey?" Farrah asked.

"I just wanted to tell you.. How sorry I am." Amy said.

"For what?" Farrah asked, not knowing what Amy was talking about.

"For not believing you when you told me dad was a bad guy, for doubting your intentions when you kept him away. I'm sorry I didn't listen mom, I should've." Amy said, tears forming in her eyes.

"Oh Amy, you have nothing to apologize for. You did the right thing by questioning what I felt; it's good that you found things out for yourself. " Farrah said.

"Really?" Amy asked, sniffing.

"Yeah and I think if you want, you can still give your father a chance." Farrah said.

"Why should I do that?" Amy asked, tensing up.

"You don't have to, if you don't want to. I'm just saying, maybe you should give him a chance to not make the same mistakes with you that he made with me." Farrah said.

Amy looked at Farrah, still unsure about what to do.

"Just think about it." Farrah said, putting her hand on Amy's arm.

Amy was relieved to get things back to normal between her and her mom; she felt like a huge load had been lifted off her chest. Sure she had a lot to figure out, when it came to her father but Amy wasn't going to care about any of that tonight, tonight she was going to have a girls' night with her best friend.

"Okay, are you ready?" Karma asked, walking back to the bed after putting the DVD in the player.

"Yeah." Amy said.

"Do we have enough tissues?" Karma asked, taking a seat next to Amy on her bed.

"Two boxes." Amy said, lifting the boxes up to show them to Karma.

"Ice cream and cookies?" Karma asked.

"Check." Amy said, leaning back to reveal her side table full of things to eat.

"Let's start then." Karma said.

Karma and Amy tucked themselves in bed and got completely lost in the movie. Twenty minutes into the movie, neither of them could stop crying; so they just sat there, crying; Karma's head resting on Amy's shoulder. The movie was about to come to an end, they were at the scene where Holly is at the stadium and she reads the last letter. The moment she says that she can't feel Gerry's presence anymore, that he's really gone; Karma and Amy look at each other.

They don't need words, both of them know what the other is feeling; it was as if they were talking telepathically. They kept looking at each other, the sparks between them threatening to set them on fire. Amy had butterflies in her stomach, her heart racing, things she felt every single time she looked at Karma; but this time was different, as she looked at Karma, she felt this undying lust for her; Amy had never felt anything like it before. So, when she couldn't take it anymore, when all her feelings were getting too much, Amy leaned into kiss Karma. It caught Karma by surprise, even though somehow, subconsciously she'd been hoping Amy would do exactly that, kiss her; the way no had ever kissed her before.

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