Chapter 18

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Karma just sat there, waiting to wake up from this nightmare. She sat there, thinking about how everything was fine, just a moment ago and now, it was as if she was trying to remember the last time, she didn't feel this pit in her stomach that refused to go away. There was so much she would say; so much she would do if she just got the chance again.

"Are you sure, you don't want to go home and get some rest?" Farrah asked, snapping Karma out of her thoughts.

"No, I want to be here, when she wakes up." Karma said.

Farrah gave Karma a small smile but didn't say anything. Farrah and Karma didn't say a word to each other, the whole time that they were sitting there, but both of them somehow found comfort in the silence that surrounded them.

It was Lauren's turn to visit Amy. She walked in slowly, quietly as if not to disturb Amy.

"Hey." Lauren began, awkwardly. She took a seat next to Amy and just looked at her for a couple of moments.

"So, everyone's pretty upset, seeing you like this and I know that I haven't been the best sister to you, but I'd really like it, if you woke up." Lauren said.

She quickly looked at Amy, hoping to see some movement but nothing changed. Lauren couldn't help but start to cry. Seeing Amy like this was breaking her heart. Sure they didn't have the best relationship in the world and Lauren had given Amy a lot of shit but Lauren did really love Amy; and the thought that she'd never be able to tell Amy that, haunted Lauren.

"Come on Amy, please?" Lauren said, starting to cry louder. Lauren laid her head in her lap as she cried.

Lauren hadn't even noticed Farrah walk in. Farrah took a seat next to Lauren but didn't say anything, she just put her arm around her step daughter; somehow giving her strength just by sitting next to her. Lauren lifted her head from her lap and gave Farrah a hug.

Everyone had come back to the hospital, first thing in the morning. Penelope had allowed them as many days off as they needed and told them that she'd come visit Amy, the first chance she got.

Shane hadn't really gone and seen Amy yet. Even though he was among the first people to reach the hospital, he just didn't have the heart to see her like that. But now, he knew he had to go see her.

"So, Amy and Regan have become friends." Shane said, sitting down next to Amy; talking to her as if they'd been in conversation for hours.

"I know, I found it hard to believe at first too. You should really wake up and see this, this is like a dream come true for you." Shane said, looking at Amy every couple of seconds to see if any change had been made.

"Penelope gave us all the week off, to be here with you. Everyone's here, even Theo and I think he and Lauren might get back together." Shane said.

"I know." He said, after a couple of moments with a scandalized look on his face.

"Enough of your beauty sleep, Raudenfield. Get up already." Shane said.

Shane just sat there for the next couple of hours, not saying anything anymore; just keeping Amy Company; feeling better by just being near her.

The lack of improvement Amy was making was worrying everyone and Farrah decided to go and speak to the doctor.

"I'm just worried, it's been a couple of days and she's shown no signs of waking up." Farrah said, with a worried expression on her face.

"It's normal. You people should keep interacting with her, act normal, it might trigger a response." The doctor said, trying to reassure Farrah.

"But is there a fixed time between which she should wake up?" Farrah asked.

"There isn't, she's critical but things have taken a turn for the worse yet. I'll try my best to find a way to help her but right now there hasn't been any change we need to take immediate action toward." The doctor said.

"Okay, thank you." Farrah said, feeling somewhat relieved.

Taking the doctor's advice, everyone came into Amy's room, trying their best to act as if nothing happened. Lauren, Theo and Liam were sitting on the couch in the small hospital room, while Regan, Karma and Shane stood on one side of the bed, with Jack, Bruce and Farrah on the other. Everyone in Amy's world was here, except her.

Jack was finding it very hard to talk to Amy, without crying. He was just trying to come to terms with all that had happened. He walked out of the room, wiping his tears and Farrah followed him out.

"Are you okay?" Farrah asked.

"How can I be? I just can't believe this happened." Jack said.

"I know, but maybe everything will work out, maybe she'll be okay." Farrah said, trying to believe what she was saying.

"God, I hope so. I just keep thinking, if I hadn't invited her over for dinner, none of this would've ever happened." Jack said.

"This isn't your fault, you know that right?" Farrah asked.

"If I hadn't invited her, she would've been home that night, safe." Jack said, tears falling down his face.

"Oh Jack, this had nothing to do with that dinner. This could've happened anytime. Don't let those thoughts even cross your mind, she'll be okay." Farrah said, giving Jack a hug.

Once Jack felt a little better, he and Farrah went back into the room.

Everyone in the room was trying to act as if Amy wasn't in a coma and they weren't scared to death but failing.

"I'm starving." Shane said, suddenly, breaking the awkward silence that surround the room every couple of minutes.

"What do you want to have? I'll get you something from the canteen." Liam said, standing up.

"I hate the food here, Let's just pick something up." Shane said.

"Okay, what?" Liam asked.

"I'm craving donuts." Shane said.

"Me too." Karma said.

"Donuts?" Amy said, in a low voice.

Everyone turned to look at her.

"What? What did you say?" Karma asked, getting her head closer to Amy's to be able to hear her better.

"Did someone say donuts?" Amy asked.

Everyone laughed, no one could believe it. Their Amy was back.

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