Chapter 7

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"Woah." Karma said.

"I know." Amy said.

Amy and Karma just started at each other for a couple of moments, neither of them knowing what to say. Karma didn't know what any of this meant, she knew that she'd never felt this way about anyone else before but she didn't know what these feelings were, or what they were suppose to be.

Karma was the one to look away from Amy. Sensing the uncertainty in Karma's mind, Amy was the one to talk first.

"What are you thinking?" Amy asked, looking at Karma.

"I don't know what any of this means." Karma said, looking at Amy.

"Any of what?" Amy asked.

"This." Karma said, pointing at Amy and then herself. "I mean I don't know what all this means, what I'm feeling means." Karma continued.

"I know what you mean, I went through the same thing." Amy said.

Karma just looked at Amy, trying to feel reassured by Amy's words but they seemed to have no affect on Karma.

"I just need some time to figure things out." Karma said, getting up.

"Okay, take all the time you need." Amy said.

"I'll see you later." Karma said, rushing out of Amy's room.

Karma didn't want to talk about things; she didn't want to talk about her feelings, she didn't know what they meant and more than anything, she didn't know what she wanted them to mean. Karma loved Amy, she'd always loved her but she hadn't been in love with Amy; she didn't know whether or not she was in love with her now. But the thought of having to figure it all out scared Karma.

Amy didn't know what to say to Karma, she knew what it felt like to be confused but things weren't going to be the same for Karma; Amy and she had different circumstances. A part of Amy, wanted to stop Karma from leaving but the other part of Amy let her go, because she knew that if she stopped Karma, it would make Karma pull away even more.

Amy and Karma hadn't spoken all day. Amy was losing her mind, she wanted to call Karma so bad but she stopped herself; deciding to give Karma the space she'd promised.

Amy sat in bed, staring at her TV screen; thinking about how things just seemed to be going from bad to worse for her. It was as if, the universe was giving her exactly what she wanted, who she wanted and the second she would feel happy, finally content; the universe would snatch it right back.

Amy was lost in her thoughts, when her phone began ringing. Amy reached for the phone that lay on her bedside in one swift movement, trying to answer as fast as she could; hoping it was Karma.

"Hey." Shane said.

"Hi." Amy said, disappointed that it wasn't Karma.

"What happened?" Shane asked.

"A lot of shit." Amy said, wanting to tell Shane everything.

"Start from the beginning." Shane said.

"You know how my dad showed up? "Amy asked.

"Yeah." Shane said.

"I went for lunch with him, I thought we would bond only to find out he left me and mom, for some other woman, who he's now married to." Amy said.

"I'm sorry Amy." Shane said.

"It gets better." Amy said.

Shane didn't say anything, waiting for Amy to continue.

"Karma was trying to cheer me up by having a girl's night and while we were watching the movie, she and I kissed. After the kiss, she freaked out and left." Amy said.

"She's probably just confused." Shane said.

"I know she is and I get that and I'm ready to give her all the space she needs. But what if she doesn't feel the same way? I'm just going to go back to being heart broken." Amy said.

"But she could also feel the same way, right?" Shane said.

"Yeah but if she doesn't, I'm going to be so lost. I know what it feels like to kiss her and now that I know, now that I've been reminded, I don't think I can live without her." Amy said.

"You won't have to." Shane said.

"I really hope so." Amy said.

"You have to get your mind off all this drama. I'm having a couple of people over at my house tonight, you should come." Shane said.

"I don't know Shane, I'm not really in the mood for a party." Amy said.

"Just think about it." Shane said.

Amy hung up the phone and decided to go down to grab something to eat. She loved Shane for asking but she wasn't in the mood for a party. Amy walked into the kitchen to find her father standing there.

"What are you doing here?" Amy asked, getting upset.

"I wanted talk to you." Jack said, trying to walk toward Amy.

"I have nothing to say to you." Amy said, stepping away from Jack.

"Please at least give me a chance." Jack said.

"Why? You never gave me a chance." Amy said.

" I know and I want to fix my mistakes, all I'm asking for is a chance." Jack said, with a sad look on his face.

"Yeah well, I'm all out of chances." Amy said.

"Amy.." Jack said.

"You should leave." Amy said.

When Jack continued to stand where he was, Amy said," Fine, I'll leave."

"Amy!" Jack called after her.

Amy grabbed her jacket and headed to Shane's house. Maybe she was in the mood for a party after all.

"Hey, you came!" Shane said, hugging Amy.

"Yeah well, my dad over and refused to leave." Amy said, hugging Shane back.

"I'm sorry, I know it's hard." Shane said.

"Yeah, well, I need a drink." Amy said, eyeing the keg.

There was a thin, brunette with purple highlights filling her cup. When she saw Amy standing behind her, she gave her cup to Amy.

As the brunette filled another cup, Amy said, trying to shout over the music." Thanks."

"You're welcome." The brunette said with a smile.

Amy and the girl stared at each other for a couple of moments.

"I'm Regan." The girl said.

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