Chapter 19

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It felt like everyone could breath again. Seeing Amy awake and getting better was something everyone had wanted to see for so long that they'd started to believe it might never happen. It had been a couple of days since Amy had woken up and everyone had been trying to get sometime with her, ready to say all the things, they'd thought they'd never be able to say to her.

Jack sat next to Amy, watching her sleep. He hadn't done that since she was a baby and he couldn't help think about how much he'd missed out on, how much he'd lost and how much he'd found.

"Hey." Amy said, waking up.

"Hey." Jack said.

"How long have you been here?" Amy asked, sitting up a little.

"About an hour." Jack said.

"Why didn't you wake me?" Amy asked.

"You looked really peaceful sleeping." Jack said, with a smile.

Amy smiled back at Jack.

"How are you doing, kiddo?" Jack asked, after a moment.

"Better." Amy said.

"I'm glad, we all got very worried about you." Jack said.

"Yeah, I know." Amy said, looking down at her hands.

"I spoke to the doctor, he said, you can go back home in a couple of days." Jack said, with a smile.

"That's great, I'm getting sick of this room." Amy said.

"Haha, I know. Once you're out, we can give dinner another shot, seen has how well it went the first time." Jack said, with a smile.

Both Amy and Jack laughed, for the first time in weeks.

"Are you hungry?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, starving." Amy said, touching her stomach.

"I'm going to get you some breakfast." Jack said, standing up.

"Thanks." Amy said with a smile.

As Jack was walking out, he saw Regan approaching Amy's room.

"Hey Regan." Jack said, walking away.

"Hey, Mr. Raudenfield." Regan said with a smile.

"Hey." Regan said, walking into Amy's room.

"Hey." Amy said, with a wide smile.

Regan reached down and gave Amy a kiss on her cheek.

As Regan sat down next to Amy, Amy could sense that something was bothering Regan.

"What's wrong?" Amy asked, with a worried expression on her face.

"Why do you think there's something wrong?" Regan asked, trying to fake a smile.

Amy raised an eyebrow at Regan.

"We just.. we haven't spoken about the accident." Regan said, hesitantly.

"Okay, we can talk about it right now, what's on your mind?" Amy asked, reaching for Regan's hand.

Regan took a deep breath, trying to keep her voice steady. "I'm so sorry, Amy." She said, breaking down.

"For what?" Amy asked.

"I never meant for you get hurt. I just.. I wish I would've just kept my eyes on the road." Regan said, crying.

"Hey, hey. None of this is your fault. You did nothing wrong, don't even let yourself think that." Amy said, reaching to give Regan a hug.

Regan didn't say anything, she just cried in Amy's arms. Amy didn't say anything either, she just let Regan let it all out.

A couple of hours later, once Regan was okay, Karma came by to visit Amy.

"Hey." Karma said, walking into the room.

"Hey." Amy said, looking up at her with a smile on her face.

"Hey Karma, I was just leaving." Regan said, standing up.

"No no, stay." Karma said, walking toward Amy's bed.

"No, it's okay. I've hogged Amy all day and I know you two need sometime to catch up. I'll see you, babe." Regan said, leaning down to give Amy a quick kiss.

Karma and Regan exchanged polite smiles and Regan left. Even though no one could believe it, Regan and Karma had grown to like each other. Everything that had happened over the past couple of weeks, had somehow led to them understanding each other better.

"How are you feeling?" Karma asked, taking a seat next to Amy.

"Fine, I'm just so bored." Amy said.

"You never did tell me about that dinner of yours." Karma said with a smile.

"Yeah well, I was a little busy being in a coma and everything." Amy said, with a smile.

Karma gave Amy a small smile, still not ready to joke about things.

"So how was it?" Karma asked.

"It was the most awkward dinner I have ever been to." Amy said.

"Why?" Karma asked.

"Probably because my step brother, Brian, is Regan's ex boyfriend." Amy said.

"What?" Karma asked, flabbergasted.

"Yeah, they apparently dated in high school." Amy said.

"But I always thought Regan was one of those people who knew she was gay from the beginning." Karma said.

"I did too." Amy said.

"So what did you do?" karma asked.

"What could I do? I just wished for the dinner to get over with a fist fight." Amy said.

"What did Regan say?" Karma asked.

"That she was sorry she didn't tell me, but she never thought my brother would be her ex." Amy said.

"What did you say?" Karma asked.

"That it was okay. We haven't had the whole ex conversation and we'll have it once we're ready." Amy said.

"Wow." Karma said, surprised by how maturely Amy had handled everything.

"I know." Amy said, with a proud smile.

Karma just stared at Amy with a smile on her face. All Karma could think about was how after everything, despite being in those old hospital clothes, how stunningly beautiful Amy looked. It was in that moment that Karma felt like time had stopped, that nothing outside of that hospital room, nothing besides Amy mattered. Karma couldn't help think about how she felt like she couldn't breathe when she'd heard about Amy's accident; how it had felt like someone had sucked the life out of her. Looking at Amy, smiling back at her, made Karma's heart flutter. A part of Karma, couldn't even believe Amy was here, alive and with her. In that moment, Karma knew that she was and would always be in love with Amy and no matter how much she denied it or tried to fight it, nothing could change the fact.

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