Chapter 8

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Amy didn't say anything for a minute, she didn't know if she should say something. She wanted to talk to Regan but then she couldn't get Karma off her mind. Amy took one last look at her phone, no new messages.

"I'm Amy." Amy said awkwardly.

"So, do you go to Hester?" Regan asked.

"Yeah, do you too?" Amy asked.

"Nah, I'm not in school." Regan said.

"Oh." Amy said.

"Yeah, I'm a DJ, I'm nineteen years old." Regan said, seeing the confusion and curiosity on Amy's face.

"Oh, that's really cool. How do you know Shane?" Amy asked.

"We have a ton of mutual friends, we met at this party and we hit it off." Regan said.

"Oh, you know that Shane is gay, right?" Amy asked. Amy thought Regan liked Shane.

"I know.I am too." Regan said, laughing.

"Oh." Amy said, embarrassed.

"So, are you waiting for your boyfriend or something?" Regan asked, not being able to find a better way to ask Amy.

"No no, there are no boyfriends around me right now." Amy said, awkwardly.

"How about girlfriends?" Regan asked.

"Hahah none of those either, not right now anyway." Amy said, blushing a little.

Amy continued to blush because of the look Regan was giving her; she didn't know how to react. Amy without even realizing it checked her phone again. It had now become somewhat of a nervous habit.

"Are you waiting on a call from someone?" Regan asked, looking at Amy.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm just waiting to hear from someone, we had this argument and I don't know what's going on anymore." Amy said, absent-mindedly.

"Well, if that doesn't work out.." Regan said, taking Amy's phone. "Call me."

Amy didn't know how to react, especially since someone had never flirted with Amy before, someone as hot as Regan. It was in those few seconds of the trance that Regan had left Amy in that Amy didn't think about Karma. Amy just watched Regan as she walked away.

Amy and Karma hadn't spoken for days and as much as Amy wanted to give Karma space, keeping this distance was killing Amy. Amy lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about everything that had happened over the past couple of days.

Amy was lost in her thoughts, when her phone began buzzing.

"Hey." Shane said.

"Hey." Amy said.

"What's wrong?" Shane asked.

"How could you tell something was wrong?" Amy asked, surprised by how well Shane knew her.

"It's one of my super powers." Shane said.

Amy lightly chuckled and how that was such a Shane thing to say.

"What's up?" Shane asked.

"I was just thinking." Amy said.

"About what?" Shane asked.

"Everything." Amy said.

"Have you spoken to your dad or Karma?" Shane asked.

"No." Amy said.

"Do you plan on talking to them?" Shane asked.

"I'm not going to talk to my dad, I'm so very done with him. As far as Karma is concerned, I'm giving her space." Amy said.

"Then why are you so sad?" Shane asked.

"Because I don't want to give Karma space, I want to be with Karma, all the bloody time." Amy said.

"Stop beating yourself up Amy. You've been moping over Karma for as long as I've known you. Maybe you should just move on, maybe this isn't the time for you and Karma." Shane said.

"How am I supposed to move on, it's not that easy." Amy said.

"I saw you talking to Regan." Shane said.

"Yeah, so?" Amy asked.

"Talk to her, she'll be more than enough reason for you to move on." Shane said.

Amy didn't say anything; she just took a deep breath.

"Just think about it okay? How long will you stay heart broken, Amy?" Shane asked.

"I'll think about it." Amy said, after a moment.

While Amy was talking to Shane, Farrah walked into her room.

"I have to go, I'll call you later." Amy said.

"Bye." Shane said, hanging up.

"Hi honey." Farrah said.

"Hi mom." Amy said.

"How are you doing?" Farrah asked, taking a seat in front of Amy on her bed.

"I'm fine." Amy said.

"You're dad called me.." Farrah began.

"Since when do you and dad talk?" Amy asked.

"Since I decided to let go of the past." Farrah said.

"How can you do that so easily?" Amy asked.

"It hasn't been easy Amy, it's been anything but that. But I just spent twelve years, hating him with every fiber of my being and I'm just so tired." Farrah said.

Amy didn't say anything; she just stared at her mother.

"Look Amy, I'm not telling you what to do, but all I'm saying is, we can't run away from the things we don't want to face." Farrah said, reaching for her daughter's hand.

"Why? That's what dad did." Amy said.

"And he's back now, he's here to face this. I get it Amy; I get why you don't want to let him in, because he hurt you and why would you want to make yourself vulnerable to that again? But trust me, letting someone in is good." Farrah said.

Amy looked down at her lap, not knowing what to say.

"Just think about it." Farrah said, kissing Amy on the head before leaving her room.

Amy sat in her room, alone. She was sick and tired of being hurt, of having this nagging pain in her chest. Why should she let him in? So he could leave again, go back to the kid he picked? She didn't need that; she had enough drama with Karma shutting her out. It was moments like these, when Amy sat down to analyze everything that she felt like her whole world was falling apart. As if, just her touch would destroy everything that mattered, that everything would eventually implode. It was moments like these when she needed Karma to snap her out of it; to tell her that she was being stupid, that everything was okay and everything would be because they were together and they'd get through it.

Amy was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even notice Karma standing in her doorway.

"Hey." Karma said, walking into Amy's room.

"Hi." Amy said.

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