Chapter 9

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Amy blinked to make sure it was really Karma; she couldn't believe her eyes. Amy had wished that Karma would just show up like she had but now that it had happened, she didn't know how to react. Her heart pounded in her chest, as if this very moment was going to decide the rest of her life.

"How have you been?" Amy asked, standing up.

"I've been fine. I'm sorry I haven't spoken to you, I just... I.." Karma said.

"I get it, I'm just glad you're here." Amy said.

Karma smiled at Amy.

"So.. Have you decided anything?" Amy asked, feeling like a child who'd just seen a butterfly, wanting so badly to hold the butterfly but knowing that even an attempt would make it fly away.

"Amy.. I.. I'm still very confused." Karma said.

"That's okay, you'll figure it all out, I went through the same thing." Amy said, walking toward Karma.

"But that's just the thing, I don't know if I want to figure all of it out right now." Karma said, taking a step back.

Amy didn't say anything; she just went back and sat on her bed.

Seeing the sadness on Amy's face, Karma said," But I don't want to lose you."

Amy didn't say anything for a second, "You won't lose me." She said, finally looking up at Karma.

"I just don't want this to come between us. I want to be able to go back to what we were, where we were." Karma said.

"But you'll have to deal with these feelings Karma, even if you decide you don't want to be with me, you'll still have to deal with them." Amy said, not being able to stop herself.

"I will, just not now. I Can't..." Karma said.

"Why? "Amy asked. She didn't know where any of this was coming from, she'd convinced herself to give Karma space, or so she'd thought.

"Because I'm not ready okay? It's all so scary." Karma said.

"I know it's scary but I'm here to help you through it." Amy said, cooling down.

"I know but I just can't.." Karma said, beginning to walk out.

"Karma.." Amy called after her.

"I'll call you later." Karma said walking out.

Amy punched her pillow in frustration. She knew this wasn't the way to get Karma to deal with her feelings but she couldn't help it. Having these feelings for Karma had been killing Amy for as long as she could remember and she just needed some clarity. One way or another, she needed to know.

Shane had been calling Amy all day but she wasn't really in a mood to talk, the only time she even checked her phone was to see if Karma had called her back. She'd texted and called Karma a million times, apologizing for pushing her.

"Hey." Shane said, walking into Amy's room.

"What are you doing here?" Amy asked, sitting up in her bed.

"I've been calling you all day, you could've just answered your phone." Shane said

"Yeah well, I don't really want to talk about things right now." Amy said.

"Let me guess, Karma?" Shane asked.

"She came over to talk and I pushed her to deal with her feelings and I knew it was wrong and now she's gone." Amy said.

"I know you'll hate me for saying this, but maybe you should let her go." Shane said.

"Yeah well, it's easier said than done." Amy said, rolling her eyes.

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