Chapter 20

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It was finally time for Amy to go home. Even though she still had to go for physiotherapy for her broken leg, the doctor had given her the all clear to go back to her life.

Liam, Shane, Lauren and Karma had decided to hang out at Amy' s house that evening, to cheer Amy up and welcome her back to her life before the accident. Regan was also supposed to be there but she had to cover someone's shift at work.

"I could cancel." Regan said, walking around Amy's hospital room, trying to grab all of Amy's left over stuff.

"You don't need to." Amy said, trying to stand up.

"It's not even my shift." Regan said, helping Amy stand up.

"I know, but it's okay." Amy said.

"I want to be with you tonight." Regan said.

"I know, I want to be with you too and you can come by once you're done." Amy said.

"Are you sure?" Regan asked.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." Amy said, with a smile.

"You ready to go?" Jack asked, walking into the room.

"Yeah." Amy said, starting to walk with the help of her crutches.

"Have you gotten everything?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, I think so." Amy said,

"I'll see you tonight then?" Regan asked.

"Yeah." Amy said, giving Regan a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye Mr. Raudenfield." Regan said, handing over Amy's bag to jack.

"Bye Regan." Jack said, taking Amy's bag.

Jack was going to drop Amy home and then head to work. Farrah was ready to do it but Jack insisted on getting some more time with Amy.

"What's on your mind, kiddo?" Jack asked, looking over at Amy as they were on their way home.

"Nothing really, I'm just thinking about Regan." Amy said.

"What about her?" Jack asked.

"Just that, this whole accident has hit her pretty hard. " Amy said.

"It hit all of us pretty hard." Jack said.

"I know but I don't want it to affect our relationship." Amy said.

"Why do you think, it'll affect your relationship?" Jack asked.

"Because, I think she thinks this was her fault." Amy said.

"Have you guys talked about this?" Jack asked.

"I guess, a little. I told her that this wasn't her fault and all of those things but I still think she feels guilty." Amy said.

"Guilt is a very strong emotion and as much as other people can try and help you move on from it, it's just something that takes its own time." Jack said.

"I guess." Amy said.

"You two will be fine, she clearly really cares about you." Jack said.

"I really care about her too." Amy said.

"That's really the most important thing anyway, if you have that, the rest can be worked out." Jack said.

"Thanks dad." Amy said, with a smile. She'd always wanted moments like these with her father and she'd never thought that, she'd actually get a chance to make them come true.

Jack smiled back at Amy, happy to be of any assistance.

Once Amy was home, she was so tired that she decided to take a nap and only woke up when everyone had shown up.

"Hey!" Shane said, walking into Amy's , Lauren and Karma walking in behind him.

"How are you feeling?" Liam asked. Liam had been there throughout the accident, he'd been coming to the hospital everyday, trying to be there for everyone. He and Amy had never been the best of friends but he did want to make sure she was okay.

"Better, thanks." Amy said, with a smile.

Everyone climbed into Amy's bed with her, with Karma on Amy's left and Lauren on her right. Lauren hadn't really spoken to Amy about her accident but she'd been there with Amy every second, of everyday; scared to leave her side even for a minute.

"We've got twenty one jump street! I thought we could all use some laughter." Shane said, putting the DVD in.

The five of them spent the next two hours laughing, just forgetting about the past couple of weeks; they were just glad to be with each other, safe and happy.

One by one, everyone started heading home, Shane, Liam and Lauren had an English paper due tomorrow and none of them had even started working on it.

Karma decided to stay back and give Amy Company.

"What do you want to watch now?" Amy asked.

"Whatever you want." Karma said.

"I don't think, I can sit through another movie. Let's just see what's on TV." Amy said.

After flipping through a couple of channels, Amy finally stopped at an old rerun of friends. She sat back in her bed and watched as she forgot her troubles.

Every time Amy laughed, Karma would get butterflies in her stomach. How she'd missed that adorable laugh of Amy's and she'd never loved it more than she did in that moment. Karma hadn't even realized it, but she'd been staring at Amy with a smile on her face.

"What?" Amy asked, consciously.

"Nothing." Karma said, still smiling.

"Come on, what is it?" Amy asked.

Karma took a deep breath. "When I found out about your accident and when we weren't sure, if you would make it, I was so terrified. I couldn't imagine a world without you in it. There were just so many things I wanted to say to you, big things, like my insecurities or small things like how I dropped mustard on my shirt and how it ruined my morning. I promised myself that if you got through this, I would never ever let anything be left unsaid."

Karma had begun choking up by this point. She gulped back her tears and continued.

"I love you, Amy. I am in love with you. And I know I'm confused and lost and I'm just this huge mess, who doesn't deserve you. I'm insecure and neurotic and possessive and I know I haven't been fair to you about a lot of things." Karma wiped the tears that covered her cheeks.

"I know you're with Regan and she's great and she loves you and she cares about you and she's sorted and nice and I'm just this mess. But I'm a mess that loves you, Amy, with all of her heart. And you don't have to say anything right now, just take your time to process this. I just need you to know, how much I love you, how much I want you and just how much I need you."

Amy didn't even notice, the tears falling down her face. She was just so surprised by all that had happened.

"Hey." Regan said, walking into the room.

"Just think about it." Karma turned to Amy before walking out.

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