It's a date, literally ~ Female Crush x Female Reader

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(S/L/F) = School Lunch Food
(H/C) = Hair Colour
(H/L) = Hair Length
(E/C) = Eye Colour
(F/C) = Favourite Colour
(C/N) = Crush's Name
(C/L/N) = Crush's Last Name
(Y/N) = Your Name
(B/N) = Bully's Name

• This'll be a short but sweet one, sorry. I'll make the next chapter a longer one I promise.
• I hope you enjoy it!

It was morning and you were in bed, sleeping. You were dreaming about (C/N), it was beautiful. You were both at the park, the sunset was gorgeous from yellow to pink and then to a faint blue. The both of you were laying down next to each other, looking at the stars. It was just beautiful, that is until your mother woke you up. "(Y/N), (Y/N) wake up honey, you have school today" she said soothingly. Oh that's right, the school holidays had ended, and now you were forced to go to school whether you liked it or not. You got up and pushed your mother out of the room, jokingly of course. You got dressed into your: (F/C) shirt, denim jeans, champion hoodie and your converse shoes. And made your way downstairs, when you reached the bottom step you were greeted with the sight of your mother watching T.V, "Your breakfast is on the table sweetheart" She said, you quickly ate your breakfast and made your way to school. And there she was, the girl of your dreams. (C/N)
(C/L/N), you loved everything about her. From the delicate (H/L) (H/C) hair to the ground that she walks on; call yourself crazy but it's true.

She started walking over to you, 'wait was this really happening' you thought. Your thoughts were interrupted by the angelic voice that (C/N) possessed. "Hey (Y/N), could I talk to you in private?" She asked
"Yeah, of course (C/N)" you replied
She pulled you all the way over to the tree behind the school, it seemed that there was no one there; this must be important. "(Y/N)" she said
"Yes (C/N)?"
"I've liked you since forever ago, and I can tell you've liked me for awhile too" she laughed
"How did you know?" I questioned
"You always blush and look away when I look at you, you used to stutter as well. And now I know because you asked how I knew when I said that you liked me" she giggled, I smiled at her smartness.

We stood there for a while, until I broke the silence.
"So, are you free Wednesday night?" I asked
"Yeah, of course" she replied
"Cool so I'll pick you up at 6?" I said, she smiled.

"It's a date, literally"

I hope you enjoyed this, I'm sorry it's so short. Like I said before, I'll make the next one longer

I love you all 💕💕💕💕💕💕💖

Female Crush x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now