My Saviour ~ Teacher Female 'Hero' Crush x Student Female Reader

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Hi guys i'm so sorry for not uploading, i've been diagnosed with Clinical Depression and i've had to see multiple therapists this past month. I promise that i'll start uploading more often.
You know the rules 😏
!Also Readers Crush is a teacher in this fanfic and Reader is a student of hers!
!Also i'm from New Zealand so the school that Reader goes to is going to be a High School, I don't really know if it's different from other countries schools but i'll be saying Year instead of Grade!
can't forget about the little flags!!!
It was 8:58 am and (Y/N) sat in her room giggling as she scrolled through the newly found meme page she had recently followed on instagram, yet to get ready for school, when her mother yelled to her from the kitchen. "(Y/N)! GET UP YOU'RE GOING TO BE AN HOUR LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!" (Y/N) jumped, horrified, and ran to her closet. She messily threw on her uniform and ran into the kitchen. She thanked her mum for reminding her and ran to her high school, William Parks High School. Founded by William Parks in 1833. (Y/N) is known as the 'rebel' or the 'mysterious kid' she finds it funny when other students refer to her as such, some are even scared of her.

~(Y/N) POV~
'Oh shit, i'm gonna be late' I thought as I arrived at the gates of hel- William Parks High School. 'wait, what class do I have first?' I questioned, "Oh shit, I have English" I said aloud, I hated English, our teacher Miss (C/L/N) was ok, I don't like her that much though. This is a school zone (Y/N), you shouldn't use such preposterous language" said an all too familiar voice. I turned around and there she was, as expected, Miss (C/L/N) my English teacher. "Do you remember what that means, (Y/N)?" she said, "Oh that's right, you skipped last lesson. Therefore you wouldn't know what that means" she answered, as-a-matter-of-factly. "I'm sorry Miss (C/L/N), I won't do it again" I retorted, "Now I don't want you skipping this lesson" she paused and glared at me "So I will accompany you, as I am obviously heading there too." she paused again "Shall we?" she finished. I hate it when she talks like that, it's like she's in one of those movies where she's one of those fancy high living people. "Do you really have to talk like that?" I asked, tired of her big words "Talk like what? Proper English?" she asked, "Yes, you always use big words. It annoys me." I answered "That is exactly my point" she retorted "What is?" she sighed after hearing that, as if she had to repeat what she said do the thousandth time. "My point is to annoy you" she replied. "Well you're doing a good job of it" I replied, angry about having to hear her master plan on annoying me.

We arrived at the English area and walked into the classroom, being stared at wasn't on my bucket list so, as per usual, I did that thing where I pretend to jump out at them. Always works. "Sit down (Y/N)" said Miss (C/L/N), so I did, once I sat down I looked around the classroom, then I looked at the clock. It was 9:15 I was an hour and 15 minutes late to school, but then so was Miss (C/L/N). Now i'm beginning to understand why some of the kids were wiggling their eyebrows and smirking at me, I could hear the kids laughing and saying "Damn (Y/N)" as my face flushed a deep red. 'Great' I thought 'Now everyone's gonna think I fucked my own English teacher' I continued, and I was right. It wasn't until lunch that I had heard about the rumour, I was sitting with my friend talking about how she was coming over later to play video games, when my other friend, who is usually late because of her teacher keeping her in, spotted me and ran up to us and said "(Y/N)! Did you sleep with your goddamn English teacher" they said (If you get that, I love you more than I already do!!!! 💕💕) "No I didn't" I replied, "Then why is everyone saying that you where 1 hour late to class, and then proceeded to walk in with Miss (C/L/N)?" she asked "Because i was late and she was late and she also wanted to make sure that I didn't bunk again so we walked to class!" I answered hurriedly. "Alright, whatever you say" she said "I DIDN'T SLEEP WITH MY ENGLISH TEACHER" I replied, although I did wish that was the case.


[And also because it's 8:48pm rn oops hahahaha]

~:\•\(C/N) POV/•/:~
'Ahhhhh' I thought, a nice cup of coffee in my hand, and a book in the other. Nothing is better than reading in a café with a coffee, I looked around, observing the familiarity of the café, as I had been here many times before. 'Hmm' I thought 'Is that (Y/N)' I continued, 'she's quite cute- no, bad (C/N). She's your student, that's inappropriate' I thought. 'But I have to admit, the way she looks in that school uniform, it makes me want pin her down and- oh dear lord she caught me staring at her.' I looked at her, horrified, she smirked at me, as if she could read my thoughts. she ordered and walked over to me, 'oh god no please, I beg for your mercy' I prayed 'oh god, the way she swings her hips' I thought. I felt anger wash over me as I looked to the side and saw that the man she ordered from was checking her out, 'Ugh I can't believe he's checking her out, he looks as if he's in his early 40's. (Y/N)'s only 18' I paused  (You'll be 18 in this and (C/N) will be 22) 'I would be much better for her than him, as i'm only 22 therefore we are closer in age, plus he looks like a pedophile' I mentally cringed at the thought of them together. "Hi Miss (C/L/N), funny seeing you here" She said, oh that angelic voice, I could listen to it all day. "Yes, we both seem to be at all the same places today." I replied "I hope I won't be seeing you at my house." I joked, she laughed, 'awww she laughed, her laugh is so cute'. "You don't have to call me Miss (C/L/N) outside of school (Y/N), my name is (C/N)." I told her, "Ok (C/N)" she said "You can sit down if you want" I said, nervously. As she sat down, the cashier came through with her order "One Flat White for the pretty lady" He winked. She smiled and said "Thank you" as he walked away. We both sipped on our coffees and talked, it turns out we both have a lot in common. Once we both finished we left, somethings wrong with (Y/N), she's acting strange, it's like she's drunk. once we got out of the door I asked if she was ok in which she replied "Yeah, i'm ok. Why?" then I replied with a "Just wondering" I paused, "Do you want me to walk you home?" I asked, "No" she said and started walking home. As I turned around, I heard her scream. I quickly turned back around to see her being dragged off and trying to be put into a car, I looked closer and saw that it was the cashier from earlier. I broke from my thoughts and ran as fast as I could to her, 'I'm not letting this happen to her' I thought, as soon as I got close to him I rammed myself into him and knocked him over, he must've put something in her drink to put her in a drunk-like state. I quickly put my arms under her legs and around her back and ran away from the man, down to my house. I put her down and got my keys out and unlocked the door. Once I unlocked it I grabbed (Y/N) and pulled her inside as the man was still running after us, "Are you ok (Y/N)?" I asked. She ran up to me and hugged me tightly to which I did the same, "Thank you for saving me!" she said, "I wasn't gonna let you get kidnapped" I said, "I know, that's why I love you" she said, I was shocked. She quickly covered her mouth, "I love you too (Y/N)" I said. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I asked.

"Yes please, My saviour" she said.

YAYYYYY I uploaded!!!!!
I'm not dead!!!!
I hope you have a great day/night/evening and i'll promise to upload more often, maybe once or twice a week.
I love you all so much!!!
(Jeez, I 'edited' this as of 7th September 2021, and bruh moment, this is very weird. I think i've definitely changed my form in writing somehow.)
1571 words.

Female Crush x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now