Chapter three

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I thrashed. "Oh, no! I've been captured! What ever shall I do?" I called dramatically so that Fires could hear me fros across the tent. "We could be allies, Ms. Queen." He walked over to me and looked me over. It sent a shiver down my spine, the way he looked at me was disgusting. He acted like he hadn't looked at a woman in years. He pulled out a knife and cut my shirt off. I kicked him where the sun don't shine and swung my feet over the bar I was tied to. I untied the knot and dropped my hands down hanging from my knees. I grabbed the bar and swung down. I hit the floor with a thud. This wasn't my first time being captured, I had been captured by the Taliban once or twice while I was deployed. He slowly got up and was met with a right hook to his jaw. "Twelve years of Craw Ma Gah bitch." I said putting my hands up in a position to fight. There was an explosion that shook the ground. I laughed, the Calvary had arrived. A day late and a dollar short. I ran outside to see Slade with a rifle and full gear. One of Fires men tried to grab me. Poor bastard. I elbowed him in the face and kicked him in the knee sending hin to the ground. Slade saw me and ran over to me shooting Fires men down in the process. "Are you hurt?" He asked. "No." I said calmly. He looked me over for scratches or bruises. "Where's your shirt?" He asked casually while shooting people and handing me a sword, a look of new wild rage on his face. "Fires cut it to shreds." I said while stabbing a soldier coming at Slade. We were fighting back to back, taking them all on one by one. "We need to go. Run!" I yelled as one man emerged from a tent with a grenade launcher.
We ran through the woods, headed towards the plane. I heard a click and stopped dead in my tracks. A look of terror in my face. "Don't move." Slade said with a hint of worry. "Trust me I won't." I said plainly.
"Land mine?"
Am I gonna die?"
"You gotta plan?"
He tackled me off of the land mine and shielded my body with his. There was a click followed by an explosion. Dirt rained down on us and Slade got up, dusting himself off. "Well that was fun. Let's never do that again." He said in a cheerful tone. "Yeah." I agreed.

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