Chapter twenty-two

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When we arrived at the outskirts of Fires camp we decided to do some surveillance. They switched watch guards every ten minutes and Fires was on the east side of the camp programing coordinates into a missile launcher. That's not good. "You go get your father, I'll take care of the missile launcher then we can decide who kills that evil son of a bitch. Deal?" Shado nodding her head and we parted ways.
When I reached the east side of camp I saw the coordinates, it was Lian Yu, well, above it. Fires was talking in a radio about a passenger plane, that wasn't good. The plane was due to fly over the island in six minutes, I emerged from the woods silently and invisible, they were in for a surprise. Fires walked into his tent leaving three men to make final preparations for shooting down the plane. I turned back to normal, it was no fun if they didn't fight back. The fires man turned and lunged, I side stepped and he stumbled into the second man who dropped his friend and got into a fighting stance. He swung a sloppy right hook and I slashed upwards with my sword cutting him up his torso and neck. He would bleed out in about six seconds. The missile launcher said the planes ETA was three minutes. The third and first man came at me at the same time. I blocked a kick from the first and a punch from the second. I shot them both in the head and approached the missile launcher. Plane ETA one minute. I took the circuit board and cut all the wires, pocketing the circuit board. It might be useful. Shado sprinted out of a tend being chased by seven of Fires men. I checked my gun and only had five bullets. I'm going to have Slade extend the magazine when I get back. I fired five times hitting five men in the head. I dropped my gun and pulled out two knives, holding them by the blade and throwing them at the last two men. Shado turned and looked at the men littering the ground, then looking at me. She had been crying and that could only mean one thing. Yao Fae was dead. Oliver was going to be crushed. Shado fell into my arms sobbing and vowing to kill Fires. "Oh honey, trust me you will make him suffer." She just nodded and then straightened, raw hatred in her eyes. Shado marched towards Fires tent with determination in every step, she pulled open the flap and walked in. Shado put Fires on his knees execution style and asked for my gun. I handed it to her and nodded in approval. I drew another gun and stood beside her. We both counted to three and pulled the trigger.

A/N: I know this isn't how it goes in the show but I wanted to be special for once so if you don't like it, and allow me to be blunt, fuck off. Love yall❤️

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