Chapter five

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I woke up to a slight static noise buzzing in my ear. I sat up almost hitting my head on the ceiling. I not so gracefully fell out of the hammock and sat up on the floor. Oliver walked over to me and helped me up off the floor seeing as I had no intention of getting up. He had an evil smirk on his face like he new something I didn't. "What did you do?" I huffed. He pulled a Polaroid picture out of his back pocket. I looked at it for a minute, after realizing what it was of I was ready to kill Oliver with my bare hands. "Slade hand me a lighter. I need to burn something." He threw me a lighter and I turned on Oliver. "Burn it or I will." I warned, I have no clue where he got a camera but it didn't matter. The picture was of me and Slade in the hammock last night and it was going to burn. "No, I think I'll show Slade." Oliver threatened. He will not! I lunged at him and he ducked under me. He threw me over his shoulder and I tensed sinking through him onto the floor below him. I could make myself translucent and invisible on command. I could also walk through walls by making myself transparent. We found out what I could do when I was playing baseball with Oliver and Tommy and the ball went through me. I snatched the picture from Oliver and put it in my pocket. "I think I'll keep it." It was a good picture and I liked the thought of me and Slade together. Slade had a look of shock and confusion on his face. I calmly explained my ability to him and it seemed to put him at ease. He continued to mess with the radio in front of him. "Let me look." I sighed and went to stand beside him. He looked up at me. "How would you know what to do?" He asked skeptically. "Move your ass and find out." I said and playfully nudged his shin with the toe of my boot. He got up from the crate he was sitting on and stepped aside. I sat in front of the radio and messed with it for about five minutes before it whirred to life buzzing with chatter. "We wont be able to talk but we can listen and that will give us an advantage against Fires." I said then stood and walked over to a crate on the far side of the plane. I picked up the sword Slade gave me and left the plane. Slade and Oliver ran out after me. "Where are you going?" Oliver called to me. "I'll be back." I assured him. I walked through the woods until I came across a meadow full of flowers. Perfect. I picked a handful of flowers and formed them into a flower crown. This was going to be fun. Thea and I used to sit in the yard for hours and make hundreds upon hundreds of flower crowns until dinner. We would give them to all the girls in school for no other reason than because we could. My plan was to force one onto Slade for the sake of a good picture. And he would also look super adorable. This was going to be so much fun.

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